Releases: geomagpy/magpy
MagPy Version 1.1.8
MagPy provides a tool set for geomagnetic data analysis.
Installation instructions can be found on the main download page.
####v<1.1.8>, <2024-10-23> --
1.1.8 general:
- speed issues
1.1.8 additions:
- csv import more flexible regarding header
- tsf file support with channels
1.1.8 fixes:
- json format library supports GFZ index data and DSCVR, conflict solved
- resample method - indexing
- format iaga write method failed if DataSamplingRate could not be interpreted
- deprecate error
MagPy Version 1.1.7
MagPy provides a tool set for geomagnetic data analysis.
Installation instructions can be found on the main download page.
####v<1.1.7>, <2023-11-30> --
1.1.7 additions:
+ drop_nans method extended to time column
+ better y axis range options for plotting routine
+ added subdirectory option to stream.write (automatically create year, month or doy subdirectories)
+ improved WDC reader to obtain DST index directly from Kyoto webservice
1.1.7 important fixes:
+ format libraries: corrected object in array declaration - files are readable again with scipy > 1.10
Please note: This is just a quick fix primarily focusing on several libraries to be ready for new scipy and cdflib packages. MagPy version 1.2 is in preparation with speed updates and a new windows installer.
MagPy Version 1.1.6
MagPy provides a tool set for geomagnetic data analysis.
Installation instructions can be found on the main download page.
####v<1.1.6>, <2023-07-19> --
1.1.6 fixes:
+ updated cdf format libraries to correctly use cdflib > 1.0.0
+ fixed minor issues in test routines
+ fixed issues for python 3.11 compatibility
MagPy Version 1.1.5
MagPy provides a tool set for geomagnetic data analysis.
Installation instructions can be found on the main download page.
####v<1.1.5>, <2023-07-10> --
1.1.5 general:
+ updated tags and version numbers
+ available on pypi
1.1.5 additions:
+ added option to set fluxgate orientation for DI flux analysis in options (inverts sign)
+ test set for AutoDIF measurements
1.1.5 fixes:
+ circle selection in DI flux fixed (might lead to a 270 deg error)
+ variometer correction range for XYZ baselines
MagPy Version 1.1.3
MagPy provides a tool set for geomagnetic data analysis.
Installation instructions can be found on the main download page.
####v<1.1.3>, <2023-05-20> --
1.1.3 general:
+ removed some deprecated issues
+ added functionality previously only available in backend to xmagpy (BLV and IYFV export)
1.1.3 additions:
+ XMagPy: added selection flag when exporting IYFV flag (all, quiet, disturbed, incomplete)
+ XMagPy: added additional selection window for BLV export regarding delta F values and adopted scalar baseline
+ added support for basevalue calculation with XYZ variometers
+ added possibility to write XYZ baseline files
+ added description of basevalue determination method into README (section 2.11.7)
1.1.3 fixes:
+ IYFV files can be exported even if less than 90% of data is available for one year
+ IYFV files with less then 90% data are listed with incomplete flag (if not quiet or disturbed days)
+ resample method: improved recognition of nan values in source data (speed and accuracy)
+ analysis of single DI file now possible
+ fixed baseline correction method for non-quasi-absolute HEZ variometer data in DI-flux measurements
MagPy version 1.1.2
MagPy provides a tool set for geomagnetic data analysis.
Installation instructions can be found on the main download page.
####v<1.1.2>, <2023-04-25> --
1.1.2 general:
+ temporary files (i.e. unzip) are now deleted after reading
+ added IAF read/write descriptions to README
1.1.2 additions:
+ IAF export will calculate K values if not provided
+ improved debug function of ImagCDF import for more detailed error analysis
+ added a new flagging class to replace old flagging methods (will be fully integrated in 1.2)
+ IAF export will write README, and in case of one year, DKA files
+ improved AutoDIF library and added support for new versions
1.1.2 fixes:
+ definitive data check has been corrected and updated (full analysis)
+ IAF export will not abort in case of meta data issues
+ IAF export will not modify the original data header for further use
+ ImagCDF import and export now supports F AND temperature columns of different lengths
+ Filtering of HF signals (> 50 Hz) working
####v<1.1.1>, <2022-09-19> --
1.1.1 fixes:
+ corrected simple baseline adoption function (simplebaseline)
+ updated backend tests to select appropriate matplotlib backends
MagPy Version 1.1.0
MagPy provides a tool set for geomagnetic data analysis.
Installation instructions can be found on the main download page.
####v<1.1.0>, <2022-xx-xx> --
1.1.0 general:
+ updated xmagpy manual
+ updated cdf libraries to account for cdflib 1.0.0 changes
1.1.0 additions:
+ added library support for new GFZ index webservices
+ added multiple baseline features
+ added direct baseline calculation option for "baseline" button
+ added load, save and clear options for baseline parameters
+ added load and save options for fitting parameters
1.1.0 fixes:
+ IMPORTANT: corrected baseline adoption function (bc)
correction of of hdz data previously used x component instead of h
MagPy Version 1.0.6
####v<1.0.6>, <2022-07-26> --
1.0.6 additions:
+ added progress information to merge, subtract and other stream combination methods
1.0.6 fixes:
+ fixed rotation method in stream and absolute treatment to correctly use beta
+ fixed CheckAngle Button in DI input sheet
####v<1.0.5>, <2022-05-16> --
1.0.5 general:
+ removed locale modifications for interpreting months
+ basevalue data: when removing flagged data and adding data to memory,
this "new" data can be selected for baeline analysis
previously always the original/uncorrected data was used
+ new Docker image available
1.0.5 additions:
+ func2header allows to add functions as header info - can be saved with pycdf format
+ func2header is used in GUI if fit functions are calculated, popup asks user
+ added support for PREDSTORM data format
1.0.5 fixes:
+ correct usage of datetime in fitting options of GUI
+ GUI time issues mainly affecting windows
+ alphabetic sorting of files when loading from directory
+ no popup when canceling file opening
+ AutoDIF files accepted even with only two azimuth measurements
+ correct conversion of strings to integers (baseline adoption)
MagPy Version 1.0.4
MagPy provides a tool set for geomagnetic data analysis.
Installation instructions can be found on the main download page.
####v<1.0.4>, <2022-03-10> --
1.0.4 general:
+ IMAGCDF issues - elevation as float, F versus S
+ removed further ndarray decrepation warnings
1.0.4 additions:
+ supporting new proprietary data format used for tilt measurements
MagPy Version 1.0.3
MagPy provides a tool set for geomagnetic data analysis.
Installation instructions can be found on the main download page.
####v<1.0.3>, <2022-01-06> --
1.0.3 general:
+ ready for newest wx4
+ tested on windows 10 with newest winpython 3.9
+ ready for creating new windows installer
1.0.3 additions:
+ update of conrad webservice defaults
+ ssl exceptions for BGS INTERMAGNET access allowed (affected access from win)
1.0.3 fixes:
+ IAF publication date issue solved (some IAF files could not be read)
+ Deprecation warnings for dtype=object in array definitions
+ several fixes regarding newest versions of matplotlib and wxpython
####v<1.0.2>, <2021-07-31> --
1.0.2 general:
+ cdf_tmp errors when traing to read non-cdf data
+ wx warnings
+ IMAGCDF 1.3 support including flags
+ minor warning fixes and db optimization
1.0.2 additions:
+ basic support for simple CSV files (read/write)
1.0.2 fixes:
+ march31 time stamp error for IAGA2002 files
+ basevalue data in XYZ in addition to HDZ
+ when reading zipped files with time ranges: no unpacking of all existing files any more
+ BLV file reading - ignoring non-interpretable 'd' markers