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Druml is a Drupal multisite tool that helps to maintain multiple Drupal sites. It has been developed in Georgetown University, which maintains over 250 Drupal websites.

Druml is a set of bash scripts. Despite the Druml sounds similar to Drush, it is not a replacement to Drush, instead it is an addition to Drush and it uses Drush a lot. It also works nice with Acquia Cloud Platform and there are some specific Acquia Cloud commands.

Interesting thing about Druml is that it does not require you to have Drush installed on your local machine, though it should be installed on the remote server.


  • Provides over 15 useful command wrappers for Drush, Bash, Memcache, SAML, Acquia Cloud.
  • Allows to run any existing Drush commands chained in a batch.
  • Runs commands either for multiple sites or individually.
  • Allows to manage list of different sites and control execution ity.
  • Can run commands in parallel threads on a single server.
  • Can run commands on different servers in parallel.
  • Could be extended with custom commands.
  • Reads configuration from Yaml file.
  • Installed easily.


There are several alternatives to Druml, but they are not powerful as it is.

  • drush @sites - nice and dirty workaround, though very limited.
  • Automatic Drush Aliases - interesting approach but limited to Drush commands only, does not allow to run multiple commands in a chain or run them in parallel.


Here are some example of how you can use Druml in your deployment and development workflows.

  • Performs multiple Drush commands for all sites running in 3 parallel jobs on production server.

    druml remote-drush prod --list=all --jobs=3 "rr" "updb -y" "fra -y" "cc all"
  • Calculates amount of nodes for each site on prod, output result as a CSV file.

    druml remote-php prod --list=all --source=php/node-count.php --output=res/node-count.csv
  • Copies DB and files of edited sites from stage environment to production in Acuia Cloud. This command also makes DB backup before execution and flushes Memcache and Drupal after.

    druml remote-ac-sitesync --list=edited stg prod
  • Copies DB and files from a remote server to a local environment. This command also enabled development modules specified in the configuration.

    druml local-sitesync --site=mysite prod


  local-dbsync                Syncs a subsite DB from a remote env to a local one
  local-listupdate            Updates a list file that contains subsites
  local-keysupdate            Updates known hosts file with SSH keys from remote servers
  local-samlsign              Signes SAML metadata file
  local-sitesync              Syncs a subsite (DB and files) from a remote env to a
                              local one
  remote-ac-codedeploy        Deploys code from one environment to another
  remote-ac-codepathdeploy    Deployes a tag/branch to the specific enviornment
  remote-ac-command           Executes Acquia command and checks status of it
  remote-ac-dbbackup          Backup a DB
  remote-ac-dbsync            Syncs a subsite DB from one env to another
  remote-ac-olddbbackupsrm    Removes old DB backups
  remote-ac-restorefrombackup Restores DB from recent backup
  remote-ac-sitesync          Syncs a subsite (DB and fies) from one env to another
  remote-ac-status            Waits until the task is completed
  remote-ac-tagget            Returns tag or branch associated with environment
  remote-bash                 Performs arbitrary bash commands for a specific env
  remote-drush                Performs arbitrary drush commands for a specific subsite
  remote-filesync             Syncs subsite fies from one env to another
  remote-memcacheflush        Syncs subsite fies from one env to another
  remote-php                  Performs a php code for a specific subsite

Check druml --help or druml <command> --help for more information.


Perform following commands in the terminal:

curl -sL | tar xvz -C ~ && mv ~/druml-master ~/druml
ln -s ~/druml/ /usr/local/bin/druml

Alternatively you can checkout recent Druml version from Git repository:

git clone [email protected]:georgetown-university/druml.git ~/druml
ln -s ~/druml/ /usr/local/bin/druml


Before using Druml you need to have a configuration file, see example.druml.yml as an example of it.

By default Druml loads configuration which is sotred in the druml.yml localted in the current directory. When running Druml you can also specify path to the configuration file using --config parameter.

druml --config=~/supersite.yml <command> <arguments>


It is higly recommended to set up logging before using Druml. Logs could be written to a file or sent via email. To set up logging, uncomment log settings in the Misclanious Settings section in the druml.yml. Also create druml log directory and grant access to edit it.

sudo mkdir /var/log/druml/
sudo chmod a+rw /var/log/druml


Lists is a powerfull instrument in Druml that allows to run commands for multiple sites. Here is what you can do.

  • To run a command for a list of sites use --list parameter.

    druml <command> --list=<listname> <arguments>
  • To decrease a load on a server while commands are being executed you can set delays between iterations. This can be done with a help of --delay parameter.

    druml <command> --delay=<seconds> --list=<listname> <arguments>
  • To run commands for multiple sites in parallel threads use --jobs parameter.

    druml <command> --jobs=<number> --list=<listname> <arguments>

To perform a command for multiple sites you need to have subsites grouped in a list file. Subsites are typically folder names in sites/all directory of a Drupal site. List file is a simple text file, which contains subsites separated by the new line character, e.g.:


To generate a list of all sites based on your Drupal installation run local-listupdate command.

druml local-listupdate --docroot=<path to drupal> --list=<listname>

You also need to define list files in the Druml configuration file, e.g.:

  all: list/all.txt
  vip: list/vip.txt
  test: list/test.txt

See Configuration section for more information.


Druml allows you to define custom commands and utilize it's internal power. To define a custom command create command file in the same directory as configuration file. File should be in the following format druml-custom-<commandname>.sh. Make sure it is executable: chmod a+x druml-custom-<commandname>.sh

Here is an example of custom command that we use in Georgetown to create a new site.


# Exit upon first error
set -e

# Make sure results are outputted immideately.
exec 1> /dev/tty
exec 2> /dev/tty

# Get Druml dir.

# Load includes.
source $SCRIPT_DIR/

# Display help.
if [[ ${#ARG[@]} -lt 1 || -z $PARAM_SITE || -n $PARAM_HELP ]]
  echo "usage: druml custom-siteprovision [--config=<path>] --site=<subsite>"
  echo "                                  [--domain=<domain>]"
  echo "                                  <site name> <install profile>"
  exit 1

# Read parameters.
if [[ ! -z $PARAM_DOMAIN ]]; then
ENV=$(get_environment ${ARG[1]})

run_script custom-sitecreate --site=$SITE --domain=$PRODDOMAIN prod
run_script custom-siteinstall --site=$SITE prod "$NAME" $PROFILE
run_script remote-ac-sitesync --site=$SITE prod test
run_script remote-ac-sitesync --site=$SITE prod dev
run_script remote-drush --site=$CONF_CUSTOM_DEFAULTSITE prod "ac-domain-purge"


This project is in active development, if you have any ideas or want to submit a bug, plese, check issues.