Matlab coordinate conversions for geospace ecef enu eci. Similar to Python PyMap3D.
MatMap3D is setup as a
Matlab package,
which means import matmap3d
statements allow scoped use of this code.
import matmap3d.*
% or add matmap3d. to start of function name
[x,y,z] = geodetic2ecef([],lat,lon,alt)
[az,el,range] = geodetic2aer(lat, lon, alt, observer_lat, observer_lon, observer_alt)
Optionally, verify functionality:
Popular mapping & aerospace toolbox functions ported to Matlab include the following, where the source coordinate system (before the "2") is converted to the desired coordinate system:
aer2ecef aer2enu aer2geodetic aer2ned
ecef2aer ecef2enu ecef2enuv ecef2geodetic ecef2ned ecef2nedv
enu2aer enu2ecef enu2geodetic
geodetic2aer geodetic2ecef geodetic2enu geodetic2ned
ned2aer ned2ecef ned2geodetic
- AER: Azimuth, Elevation, Range
- ECEF: Earth-centered, Earth-fixed
- ECI: Earth-centered Inertial
- ENU: East North Up
- NED: North East Down
- radec: right ascension, declination
- Atmospheric effects neglected in all functions not invoking AstroPy. Would need to update code to add these input parameters (just start a GitHub Issue to request).
- Planetary perturbations and nutation etc. not fully considered.
Mathworks currently charges $1000 for the Matlab Mapping Toolbox that provides these functions.
The full set of Python conversions are accessed from Matlab ≥ R2014b by commands like:
lla = py.pymap3d.geodetic2ecef(x,y,z)