This is a native HomeKit temperature and humidity sensor with D1 mini ESP8266 and BME280 sensor.
The following hardware is required:
- D1 mini (ESP8266)
- Temperature and humidity sensor (BME280)
Connection: D1 mini -> DS18B20
3V3 -> VCC (red)
GND -> GND (black)
D1 -> SDA (yellow)
D2 -> SCL (green)
This sketch is for following development environment
The following libraries are required
Setup my_accessory.c
.password = "123-55-222". // Homekit Code
Setup wifi_info.h
const char *ssid = "xxx"; // SETUP Wlan ssid
const char *password = "xxx"; // SETUP Wlan password
The following files need to be uploaded to the ESP8266 (D1 mini)
Use these settings:
Name | Setting |
Board | "LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 mini (clone)" |
Upload Speed: | "921600" |
CPU Frequency: | "80 MHz" |
Flash Size: | "4MB(FS:2MB OTA:~1019KB)" |
Flash Mode: | "DOUT (compatible)" |
Flash Frequency: | "40MHz" |
Debug port: | "Disabled" |
Debug Level: | "None" |
lwIP Variant: | "v2 Lower Memory" |
VTables: | "Flash" |
C++ Exceptions: | "Disabled (new aborts on oom) |
Stack Protection: | "Disabled" |
Erase Flash: | "Only Sketch" |
SSL Support: | "All SSL ciphers (most compatible)" |
MMU: | "32KB cache + 32KB IRAM (balanced)" |
Non-32-Bit Access: | "Use pgm_read macros for IRAM/PROGMEM" |
Port: | "/dev/USB0" |
The device can be added to homekit like every other homekit device.