"A distributed system is one in which the failure of a computer you didn't even know existed can render your own computer unusable" -- Leslie Lamport
- Code for the homework
- Zoom for meetup
- MIT 6.824 Course
- DDIA (O’Reilly)
- Distributed System 3rd edition
- Calendar
- (Public) WeChat: add Lin1991Wen
- Recording in YouTube playlist.
- Google Doc for Weekly open questions.
- A Distributed Systems Reading List
- MIT Distrited System Reading Group
- Designing Distributed System Reading List
- 我们的Meetup正式结束啦~ 感谢所有参与进来的人![6/15/2021]
- Last MIT 6.824 meetup! Come and celebrate with me and 林文!
- If you want to learn more about hash functions: sha256, hash, wiki
- To learn more about blockchain
- What is merkle tree
- What is public key crypto
- The byzentine general problem.
- The Bitcoin white paper is here
- What is logical lock? Here is a course slide about logical clock in general.
- One of the most-cited paper ever in Computer Science is about Logic Clock
- Vector Clock
- Raft assume non-byzantine fault. Here is a summary of Byzentine Fault. Here is Lamport's paper you should read.
- Randy Pausch's Last Lecture
- If you want to know more about Communicating sequential processes
- Remote Procedure Call has several implementations:
- gRPC implemented from Google using Google's opensource high performance structure data serializer Protocol Buffers
- gPRC in .NET Core
- Implementing gRPC in Go
- Go Concurrency Patterns
- If you want to know more about Closure: JavaScript's Closure
Refer to this repo