HungaBunga: Brute-Force all sklearn models with all parameters using .fit .predict!
LaTeX classes 📄 and packages 📦 for scientific LaTeX typesetting.
Hyperparameter optimization in Deep Neural Networks, In the context of EEG classification
Hoja de referencia rápida de los comandos más habituales en UNIX
Apuntes y prácticas de la asignatura AC de la ETSIIT (UGR)
Implementation in Haskell of the Wehrmacht Enigma machine
A simple demo for spotipy OAuth workflow
A light weight Python library for the Spotify Web API
An attempt at recreating the spotify player using only the Web API's
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
🍎Jalpc -- A flexible Jekyll theme, 3 steps to build your website.
Notepad is a Jekyll theme which is very simple, clean and beautiful
Unconstrained function minimization in Javascript
Charla introductoria a los algoritmos genéticos del primer PyDay de Python Granada
Resources and tutorials for learning Python!
500px / python-500px
Forked from akirahrkw/python-500pxapi library for 500px
Python Data Science Handbook: full text in Jupyter Notebooks
Source code for blog post: Interactive Data Visualization of Geospatial Data using D3.js, DC.js, Leaflet.js and Python
minted is a LaTeX package that provides syntax highlighting using the Pygments library. Highlighted source code can be customized using fancyvrb.
No es solo texto y enlaces. La web no tiene límites. Presentación de la Web. Introducción + Tendencias
Applying machine learning techniques with R to Census Income data set, a.k.a Adult data set.
An attempt at recreating the spotify player using only the Web API's
Prácticas de la asignatura de Lógica y Programación del curso 2015-2016
Prácticas de la asignatura de Ingeniería del Conocimiento de la UGR 2015-2016