Inspired from The above tutorial is mostly for reading spreadsheets, our tool is dedicated to reading and writing to spreadsheets.
By default Google uses Oauth, we want our automatic ways to write to Spreadsheets, you will find below the way to setup and have it work.
You need the following prerequisites:
- PHP 5.4 or greater with the command-line interface (CLI) and JSON extension installed
- Composer dependency management tool
- Google account in order to enable Google Spreadsheets API
- Spreadsheet ID of the spreadsheet you intend to write to
- Create project on
- Click Enable APIs and enable the Google Sheets API
- Go to Credentials, then click Create credentials, and select Service account key
- Choose New service account in the drop down. Give the account a name, anything is fine.
- For Role I selected Project -> Service Account Actor
- For Key type, choose JSON (the default) and download the file. This file contains a private key so be very careful with it, it is your credentials after all
- Finally, edit the sharing permissions for the spreadsheet you want to access and share EDIT access to the 'client_email' address you can find in the JSON file.
- Git clone this class.
- Run "composer update"
- Include GSpreadSheets.php in your own PHP script.
- See the below tutorial
- Have FUN!
Once you have your data array ready, you can use the above code to upload it: The array is expected to be 1 level deep, each rown must have the same amount of values.
// example of header if you need to write it. The collumns count must match in all your rows.
$data[] = [
//example of row 1
$data[] = [
'John Doe',
//example of row 2
$data[] = [
'Dan Silvain',
$upload = new \GSpreadSheets();
//your Spreadsheet ID
$upload -> setSpreadsheetID('your_spreadsheet_id');
//your Sheet name you are writing too.
$upload -> setSheetName('your_sheet_name');
//Path to your Credentials
$upload -> setAuthConfig('GAcredentials-some-hash.json');
//if you don't want to write on A1 but starting B2
$upload ->setStartCol('B');
$upload ->setStartrow('2');
//The loader will:
// - Reset your array keys
// - If there are any empty fields it will fill in with "null" to avoid API errors.
// - Handle some validations of your array before uploading it.
$upload -> load($data);
//upload itself ;)
$upload -> upload();
Please report any bugs that you encounter or help improving this ;)
Many thanks,