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Generate Laravel models from an existing database

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Generate Laravel models from an existing database.

Major features:

  • PHPStan level 9 compliant
  • Laravel 11 style
  • Polymorphic relationships
  • Enums casting


You can install the package via composer:

composer require giacomomasseron/laravel-models-generator

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-models-generator-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    'clean_models_directory_before_generation' => true,

    'generate_views' => false,

    | Strict types
    | Add declare(strict_types=1); to the top of each generated model file
    'strict_types' => true,

    | Models $table property
    | Add $table model property
    'table' => true,

    | Models $connection property
    | Add $connection model property
    'connection' => true,

    /*'phpdocs' => [
        'scopes' => true,

    | Models $primaryKey property
    | Add $primaryKey model property
    'primary_key' => true,

    | Primary Key in Fillable
    | Add primary key column field to fillable array
    'primary_key_in_fillable' => true,

    | Models path
    | Where the models will be created
    'path' => app_path('Models'),

    | Namespace
    | The namespace of the generated models
    'namespace' => 'App\Models',

    | Parent
    | The parent class of the generated models
    'parent' => Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::class,

    | Base files
    | If you want to generate a base file for each model, you can enable this.
    | The base file will be created within 'Base' directory inside the models' directory.
    | If you want your base files be abstract you can enable it.
    'base_files' => [
        'enabled' => false,
        'abstract' => true,

    | Relationships name case type
    | Define the way relation name are created.
    | Possible values: "camel_case", "snake_case"
    'relationships_name_case_type' => RelationshipsNameCaseTypeEnum::CAMEL_CASE,

    | Polymorphic relationships
    | Define polymorphic relationships
    | [
    |       'table_name' => 'polymorphic_type',
    |       ex. for official laravel documentation
    |       'posts' => 'commentable',
    | ]
    'morphs' => [

    | Interfaces
    | Interface(s) implemented by all models
    'interfaces' => [

    | Traits
    | Trait(s) implemented by all models
    'traits' => [

    | Enums
    | Enum(s) implemented by all models
    'enums_casting' => [

    | Excluded Tables
    | These models will not be generated
    'except' => [


php artisan laravel-models-generator:generate

Drivers supported

  • MySQL
  • SQLite

Coming soon ... all drivers supported by doctrine/dbal.

Polymorphic relationships

To add polymorphic relationships to your models, you can use morphs array in the config file.
If you have tables like this:

id - integer
name - string

id - integer
name - string

id - integer
url - string
imageable_id - integer
imageable_type - string

And config file like this:

'morphs' => [
    'posts' => 'imageable'

This relationship will be created in the Image model:

public function imageable(): MorphTo
    return $this->morphTo(__FUNCTION__, 'imageable_type', 'imageable_id');

This relationship will be created in the Post model:

public function images(): MorphMany
    return $this->morphMany(Image::class, 'images');


If you want your models implement interface(s), use interfaces value in config:

'interfaces' => [


If you want your models use trait(s), use traits value in config:

'traits' => [


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.