PHP Dynamic Qr code is a script that allows the generation and saving of dynamic and static QR codes. It has a clean, responsive, and user-friendly design. It is based on AdminLte, the "Best open source admin dashboard & control panel theme. Built on top of Bootstrap" and Core PHP Admin Panel, a simple Admin Panel written in core PHP that contains an implementation of general features you might need in your website admin panel like: record management (CRUD), secure authentication, pagination, filters.
username: admin
password: admin
contact me at [email protected] for installations, custom implementations and to find out about available non-open source plugins
- #1 Dynamic Qr code generator on GitHub with a database to store Qr codes
- Create unlimited Qr codes
- Docker compose support
- Control panel with 2 access levels
- Multi-account
- Dashboard with advanced statistics on Qr codes created and on scans
- Bulk download, bulk delete
- Dynamic Qr code
- Create, modify, and delete Qr codes
- You can download your Qr codes when you want
- URL shortener with redirect
- Enable or disable the link redirect
- Static Qr code
- Text QR Code
- Email QR Code
- Phone QR Code
- Sms QR Code
- Whatsapp QR Code
- Skype QR Code
- Location QR Code
- Vcard QR Code
- Event/calendar QR Code
- Bookmark QR Code
- Wifi QR Code
- Paypal QR Code
- Bitcoin QR Code
- Customization of Qr codes
- 6 formats for images
- Foreground color
- Background color
- 4 levels of precision
- 10 sizes
- Responsive bootstrap-based design
- Easy to understand and expand code
- Full OOP with classes and well-documented
- PHP files
- .sql file with sample data
- JS files
- CSS files
- Docker compose file
- download docker-compose.yml file
- Start docker stack
docker compose build --no-cache && docker compose up -d
- Open your browser at http://localhost:80 and login with (username: superadmin, password: superadmin)
Manage user privileges with multi-level access control:
- Creator: can only create and delete your own qrcodes
- Modifier: can create and modify creators' qrcodes
- Admin: can create, modify and delete everyone's qrcodes and can create other users
Unlock advanced customization features for QR codes, including logo uploads, watermarking, and custom marker settings.
Save time by creating reusable templates for generating QR codes with predefined styles and settings.
Create static or dynamic QR codes in bulk by compiling an Excel file with the QR code data and uploading it to the site. Inside the file it is possible to specify, if necessary, an already existing QrTemplate template. After creation you will be able to download a zip file with the QR codes created and the same Excel file but with the redirect identifier added
Create dynamic QR codes in bulk by choosing the desired number, so you can download a zip file with the created QR codes, Excel files so you can print them. At a later time you can modify the URLs associated with the QR codes created