Hi. Welcome to the Meteor Cookbook; a FAQ and tutorial culled and currated from over 9 months of emails and discussions from the [meteor] google group and my experiences rolling out packages and apps. These documents are intended for the intermediate user learning Meteor, who is accustomed to a) object-oriented frameworks and languages, such as Java and C#, and b) relational databases and data structures derived from SQL table schemas. The focus is on helping the user grow accustomed to functional programming using document oriented databases.
- General Advice
- Language References
- Installation
- Site Mechanics
- Open Systems Interconnection Model
- Physical Layer (Client Side)
- Data-Link Layer
- Network Layer
- Transport Layer
- Scaling
- Data Distribution Protocol
- Clustering
- Websockets
- Data Layer
- Presentation Layer
- Application Layer
- Routing
- Pages
- Single Page Design
- Multi-Page Design
- Wizard Dialog
- Multi-Page with Routing
- Page Transitions
- Modal Dialogs
- Errors & Alerts
- Application Programming Interfaces
- Integration of 3rd party APIs
- Exposing a REST API
- User Interface Patterns
- Page Resize
- Page Freeze
- Drag and Drop
- Error Referece
- Recipes
- Blog
- Tagging
- Breaking Changes
In Progress
Community Breaking News - 0.6.6
As of 0.6.6, Package.register_extention() is now deprecated and breaks applications. Please remove any such calls from your packages.
// Depreciated as of Meteor 0.6.6
// Package.register_extension(
// "otf", function (bundle, source_path, serve_path, where) {
// bundle.add_resource({
// type: "static",
// path: '/fonts/' + serve_path.split('/').pop(),
// source_file: source_path,
// where: where
// });
// }
// );
Sample Applets
New section. Probably going to eventually wind up in the recipes.md page.
Fonts & Calligraphy
Data Sets
Acceptance Testing
Creating Forms
Understanding The Rendering Event Loop
Mobile Devices - iOS in Particular
Useful Modules/Recipes
Reactive Overlays
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