This is a C++ implementation of the NSCoding protocol for cocos2d-x as we miss NSCoding when we were doing some game development using cocos2d-x.
All data is stored in json format and we use Rapidjson for parsing
Files needed are CCNSCoder.h/cpp FileReader.h/cpp StringUtilities.h/cpp
Go to /projects/HelloWorld/proj.ios_mac/ and open the xcodeproj file to run it. The project should run out of the box and the code that implements the CCNSCoding is in HelloWorldScene.h/cpp
The database file will be saved in your simulator folder in the path that looks something like Users/gibtang/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/7.1/Applications/45F61AAB-51C4-4929-AAA1-8747B21FC986/Documents/
Hope you enjoy this