- Understand Sales Perfomance from the period 2019 to 2022
- Identify the top performing country sales for the period
- Track the sales of each coffee roast type per country
- Identify the top consumers.
- Identify top consumers for each coffee size.
- Identify the top consumers of each coffee roast type
- Analyze the consumption of the 3 roast types per size
- Identify the top valuable customers
- Track sales on customers with and without royalty cards.
- Track performance of each coffee size
The coffeeOrdersData (raw).xlsx file contains the data used. The data contains the orders, customers and products tables.
- On the orders table we are going to add the following columns
- Customer Name
- Country
- Coffee Type
- Roast Type
- Size
- Unit Price
- Sales
- We utilize DXLOOKUP function to collect data from the customers table for the columns Customer Name, Email, and Country.
- Under Customer Name, the formula,
- =DXLOOKUP(C2,customers!$A$1:$A$1001,customers!$B$1:$B$1001,,0)
- Under Email column, the data source has some empty rows. The formula
- =DXLOOKUP(C2,customers!$A$1:$A$1001, customers!$C$1:$C$1001,,0) gives a couple of zeros due to a lack of corresponding values. To eliminate this, IF statements come in handy.
- =IF(DXLOOKUP(C2,customers!$A$1:$A$1001,customers!$C$1:$C$1001,,0)=0,"",DXLOOKUP(C2,customers!$A$1:$A$1001, customers!$C$1:$C$1001,,0))
- Under the column Country we apply the formula
- =DXLOOKUP(C2,customers!$A$2:$A$1001, customers!$G$2:$G$1001,,0)
- Next, we source information from the products table for the remaining columns. Utilizing index match since it will be dynamic.
- =INDEX(products!$A$1:$G$49,MATCH(orders!$D2,products!$A$1:$A$49,0),MATCH(orders!I$1,products!$A$1:$G$1,0))
- The sales values are derived from the unit price * quantity.
- Add column Coffee Type name to reflect the full name of the coffee types utilizing the formula
- =IF(I2="Rob","Robusta",IF(I2="Exc","Excelsa", IF(I2="Ara", "Arabica",IF(I2="Lib","Liberica","")))) Rob reflects to Robusta, Exc to Excelsa, Ara to Arabica and Lib to Liberica.
- Add column Roast type Name to reflect the full name of the roast type. M refers to Medium L refers to Light D refers to Dark
- • =IF(J2="M","Medium",IF(J2="L", "Light",IF(J2="D","Dark","")))
- Format Order date column to reflect the date format dd-mmm-yyyy
- Add the metric in the Size column while keeping a one decimal place. In this scenario the metric is “Kg”
- Format the columns Unit Price and Sales into USD currency.
- Check for duplicates in the data
Coffee Sales Dashboard.png file is the dahsboard. An interactive dashboard is available on the coffeeordersdata.xlsx dashboard sheet