React component and hook which listens to beforeunload
on the window when mounted.
import { useBeforeunload } from 'react-beforeunload';
Display a dialog box:
useBeforeunload(event => event.preventDefault());
Display a dialog box with custom message:
useBeforeunload(() => "You'll lose your data!");
Some browsers display the returned string in the dialog box, others display a fixed message.
import { Beforeunload } from 'react-beforeunload';
And use as you would use the hook:
<Beforeunload onBeforeunload={event => event.preventDefault()} />
<Beforeunload onBeforeunload={() => "You'll lose your data!"} />
Alternatively use it as a wrapper:
<Beforeunload onBeforeunload={…}>
<MyApp />
Requires a minimum of React version 16.8.0. If you're on an older version of React, then checkout v1.