Homopolish is a Nanopore-specific polisher able to generate a high-quality genome (Q40-90, aka >99.99% accuracy) for virus, bacteria, and fungus. The strength of Homopolish lies in correcting Nanopore systematic errors by training a polishing model using homologous sequences retreived from closely-related genomes.
Homopolish is recommendated to install and run within a conda environment
git clone https://github.com/ythuang0522/homopolish.git
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate homopolish
Homopolish retrieves homologous sequences by scanning microbial genomes compressed in (Mash) sketches. Three sketches of virus, bacteria, and fungi can be downloaded from the following addresses.
Virus: wget http://bioinfo.cs.ccu.edu.tw/bioinfo/mash_sketches/virus.msh.gz
Bacteria: wget http://bioinfo.cs.ccu.edu.tw/bioinfo/mash_sketches/bacteria.msh.gz
Fungi: wget http://bioinfo.cs.ccu.edu.tw/bioinfo/mash_sketches/fungi.msh.gz
Then unzip the downloaded skeches.
gunzip bacteria.msh.gz
Homopolish should be run with a pre-trained model (R9.4.pkl or R10.3.pkl) and one sketch (virus, bacteria, or fungi). We note that Homopolish achieves best results when run after Racon or Medaka as it focuses on removing systematic indel errors only. For instance, if your Medaka-polished genome (yourgenome.fasta) is bacteria and sequenced by R9.4 flowcell, please type
python3 homopolish.py polish -a yourgenome.fasta -s bacteria.msh -m R9.4.pkl -o youroutput
You also can use -g
to set the given Genus and Species name to polish your genome.
python3 homopolish.py polish -a yourgenome.fasta -g genusname_speciesname -m R9.4.pkl -o youroutput
Run python3 homopolish.py polish --help
to view all the options:
usage: homopolish.py polish [-h] -m MODEL_PATH -a ASSEMBLY
[-o OUTPUT_DIR] [--minimap_args MINIMAP_ARGS]
[--mash_threshold MASH_THRESHOLD]
[--download_contig_nums DOWNLOAD_CONTIG_NUMS] [-d]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MODEL_PATH, --model_path MODEL_PATH
[REQUIRED] Path to a trained model (pkl file). Please
see our github page to see options.
-a ASSEMBLY, --assembly ASSEMBLY
[REQUIRED] Path to a assembly genome.
-s SKETCH_PATH, --sketch_path SKETCH_PATH
Path to a mash sketch file.
-g GENUS, --genus GENUS
Genus name
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads to use. [1]
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Path to the output directory. [output]
--minimap_args MINIMAP_ARGS
Minimap2 -x argument. [asm5]
--mash_threshold MASH_THRESHOLD
Mash output threshold. [0.95]
--download_contig_nums DOWNLOAD_CONTIG_NUMS
How much contig to download from NCBI. [20]
-d, --debug Keep the information of every contig after mash, such
as homologous sequences and its identity infomation.
--mash_screen Use mash screen. [mash dist]
Ordinary output:
All program's output files will be saved in the folder named youroutput(-o youroutput
), and you will only get one file named yourgenome_homopolished.fasta
Debugging mode:
If you use the parameter -d
, directory content in a tree-like format is below.
contains other homologous speciesAll_homologous_sequences.fna.gz
which concatenate all file inhomologous_sequences
├── yourgenome_homopolished.fasta
└── debug
├── contig_1_segment0
│ ├── All_homologous_sequences.fna.gz
│ ├── contig_1_segment0.fasta
│ ├── contig_1_segment0.feather
│ ├── contig_1_segment0.npz
│ ├── contig_1_segment0.paf
│ ├── contig_1_segment0.sort.tab
│ ├── homologous_sequences
│ │ ├── GCF_000775955.1_ASM77595v1_genomic.fna.gz
│ │ └── .......
│ ├── polished.fasta
│ └── result.feather
├── contig_2_segment0
│ └── ......
└── ......