This repository contains the code to run the experiments present in this paper. The code here is frozen to what it was when we originally wrote the paper. If you're interested in using LIME, check out this repository, where we have packaged it up, improved the code quality, added visualizations and other improvements.
Running the commands below should be enough to get all of the results. You need python, sklearn, numpy, scipy. If we forgot something, please email the first author.
DATASET -> 'multi_polarity_books', 'multi_polarity_kitchen', 'multi_polarity_dvd', 'multi_polarity_kitchen'
ALGORITHM -> 'l1logreg', 'tree'
EXPLAINER -> 'lime', 'parzen', 'greedy' or 'random'
python --dataset DATASET --algorithm ALGORITHM --explainer EXPLAINER
DATASET -> 'multi_polarity_books', 'multi_polarity_kitchen', 'multi_polarity_dvd', 'multi_polarity_kitchen'
ALGORITHM -> 'logreg', 'random_forest', 'svm', 'tree' or 'embforest', although you would need to set up word2vec for embforest
python -d DATASET -a ALGORITHM -k 10 -u .25 -r NUM_ROUNDS
NUM_ROUNDS -> Desired number of rounds
DATASET -> 'multi_polarity_books', 'multi_polarity_kitchen', 'multi_polarity_dvd', 'multi_polarity_kitchen'
PICK -> 'submodular' or 'random' Run the following with the desired number of rounds:
mkdir out_comparing python -d DATASET -o out_comparing/ -k 10 -r NUM_ROUNDS python -d DATASET -o out_comparing/ -k 10 -n 10 -p PICK
Available here