CFAppDetails generates application and service instance information from an existing CF installation. You point at an API, provide your login credentials and it generates the output on standard console and writes to a local txt file in the same directory where the program is run. This application leverages most of its code from application
Currently the following information is generated :
- Orgs
- Orgs Users
- Spaces
- Space Users
- Space Applications
- Space Services
- Space User Provided Services
- Java 1.8
- Maven
- mvn clean package
- java -jar ./target/cfappsdetails-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar API_ENDPOINT UserName Password [--hideProgress] [--skip-ssl-validation]
- --hideProgress Hides the progress of traversing the Cloud Foundry Instance
- --skip-ssl-validation Skip verification of the API endpoint. Not recommended!
The "progress" messages are printed to standard out (stdout) and written to local txt file with the naming convention 'FoundationDetails_api_end_point_url.txt' where the api_end_point_url is the api end point entered on command line (without the protocol https://).