Current project contains experimental firmware for STM32F103C8 that collects data from MEMS sensors BMI160 and BMM150 and transfers it via Bluetooth connection.
- Sensors are connected by SPI2 interface.
With USB-UART adapter it is possible to connect to USART1 (baudrate 921600) via terminal such as PuTTy and use embedded console menu for:
- Sensors configuration
- Bluetooth configuraion
Supported command list can be seen by typing HELP
Experimental firmware supports different types of output data:
- Raw - direct data from sensors format is: "gx\tgy\tgz\tax\tay\taz\tmx\tmy\tmz\0\n\r".
- Madgwick algorithm filtered
- Mahony algorithm filtered
Note: filtered data slows data stream.
Sensors poll period is 400 Hz.
See notes
folder for more details about data stream speed.
MotionSensor prototype uses STM32 Bluepill board.