Please do check tantivy out. Absolute stunner!!!
This crate is just a convenience crate over tantivy.
- Add more examples
- Cleanup tmp folder left behind from test cases
- Remove any further copy
- Introduce more housekeeping API (If required)
- Full text search
- Serialize flat JSON/Struct
- Easy write and read API
- Write multiple documents together
- Depends mostly on stable crates
- Requires no runtime
- No unsafe block
- Run on rust stable (Please check the Rust version, 1.39 does not work)
- Allow your existing simples flat rust structs to be searched
- Encoded/Decoded byte streams can be stored along side too as base64 encoded string
- This can just act as a container to actual data in databases, keeping indexes light
- Create time-aware containers which could possibly updated/deleted
- Create ephemeral storage for request/response
- This can integrate with any web-server to index and search near real-time
- This crate will focus mostly on user-workflow(s) related problem(s)
- Again, tantivy is a great library, do check it out
json-surf = "*"
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::fs::remove_dir_all;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use json_surf::prelude::*;
/// Document to be indexed and searched
#[derive(Serialize, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Clone)]
struct OldMan {
title: String,
body: String,
impl OldMan {
pub fn new(title: String, body: String) -> Self {
Self {
/// Convenience implementation for bootstraping the builder
impl Default for OldMan {
fn default() -> Self {
let title = "".to_string();
let body = "".to_string();
OldMan::new(title, body)
/// Convenience method to keep indexes tucked under a directory
fn home_and_random_index_name() -> (String, String) {
let home = ".store/examples".to_string();
let name = random_string(None);
(home, name)
fn main() {
let (home, name) = home_and_random_index_name();
// Mostly empty but can be a real flat struct
let data = OldMan::default();
// Prepare the builder instance
let mut builder = SurferBuilder::default();
// By default everything goes to directory indexes
builder.add_struct(name.clone(), &data);
// Make the Surfer
let mut surfer = Surfer::try_from(builder).unwrap();
// Prepare your data or get it from somewhere
let title = "The Old Man and the Sea".to_string();
let body = "He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish.".to_string();
let old_man = OldMan::new(title, body);
// Insert the data so that store as only one document
let _ = surfer.insert_struct(&name, &old_man).unwrap();
println!("Inserting document: 1");
// Give some time to indexing to complete
// Lets query our one document
let query = "sea whale";
let computed = surfer.read_structs::<OldMan>(&name, query, None, None).unwrap().unwrap();
// Check one document
println!("Total documents found: {}", computed.len());
assert_eq!(computed, vec![old_man.clone()]);
// Insert the data so that store as two document
let _ = surfer.insert_struct(&name, &old_man).unwrap();
println!("Inserting document: 1");
// Give some time to indexing to complete
// Lets query again for two documents
let query = "sea whale";
let computed = surfer.read_structs::<OldMan>(&name, query, None, None).unwrap().unwrap();
// Check two documents
println!("Total documents found: {}", computed.len());
assert_eq!(computed, vec![old_man.clone(), old_man.clone()]);
// Lets add 100 more documents
let mut i = 0;
let mut documents = Vec::with_capacity(50);
while i < 50 {
i = i + 1;
let _ = surfer.insert_structs(&name, &documents).unwrap();
println!("Inserting document: 50");
// Give some time to indexing to complete
// Lets query again for to get first 10 only
let query = "sea whale";
let computed = surfer.read_structs::<OldMan>(&name, query, None, None).unwrap().unwrap();
// Check 10 documents
println!("Total documents found: {} due to default limit = 10", computed.len());
assert_eq!(computed.len(), 10);
// Lets query again for to get first 10 only
let query = "sea whale";
let computed = surfer.read_structs::<OldMan>(&name, query, Some(100), None).unwrap().unwrap();
// Check 10 documents
println!("Total documents found: {} with limit = 100", computed.len());
assert_eq!(computed.len(), 52);
// Clean-up
let path = surfer.which_index(&name).unwrap();
let _ = remove_dir_all(&path);