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Helmholtz Center Munich
- Munich, Germany
- giulic3.github.io
- https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1691-3560
- @ggiuliacantini
- Pro
Starred repositories
Python library to handle Gene Ontology (GO) terms
Jupyter notebook based genomic data visualization toolkit.
Tools for making plots of genomic datasets in a genome-browser-like format
python module to plot beautiful and highly customizable genome browser tracks
A modular, easy to extend GFlowNet library
Source code for development of RNA-small molecule binding affinity prediction models
An analysis of a new experimentally-derived nucleic acid binding chemical library
Rapid structure-based virtual screening for RNA targets.
[CVPR 2021] Official PyTorch implementation for Transformer Interpretability Beyond Attention Visualization, a novel method to visualize classifications by Transformer based networks.
Biological sequence analysis for the modern age.
Interpreting sequence-to-function machine learning models
Code repository of "Deep generative design of RNA family sequences"
Saluki, a method to predict mRNA half-lives from sequence
Biological foundation modeling from molecular to genome scale
Bibtex compatible latex templates for a selection of Bioinformatics and Genomics journals
End-to-end RNA Design using deep reinforcement learning
This tutorial runs through the basics of ggplot2 and how to make a figure ready for publication.
A curated list of Quarto talks, tools, examples & articles! Contributions welcome!
Turn an existing conda environment into a Singularity container
make enriched heatmap which visualizes the enrichment of genomic signals to specific target regions.
Contrastive Variational Autoencoders
add statistical significance annotations on seaborn plots. Further development of statannot, with bugfixes, new features, and a different API.
A general-purpose tool for dynamic report generation in R