A sample Node/express project using typescript
- Node version - v14.17.0
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- Typescript
- ESLint
- Clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/giwajossy/Typescript-express-starter.git
- Install dependencies by running
$ npm install
- Linting
$ npm run lint
- To start the application, run
$ npm start
- Root route
- Users route
- DRY Principle
- KISS Principle
- YAGNI Principle
I utilized this principle to make my code more composed and simpler to keep up. And furthermore spare my time at whatever point I need to change something later on.
I utilized this principle to make it simpler for other software engineers to envision the different parts of the applications, intellectually planning the potential impacts of any change.
I utilized this principle since it abstains from investing energy on features that may not be used and helps me avoid feature creep.
Author: Giwa Jossy