A RESTful API to run CRUD operations on images using multer and cloudinary.
In a nutshell, what happens is, your image gets uploaded to the cloudinary server, and then mapped to a public_id for easy access.
- Node version - v14.17.0
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- Multer
- Cloudinary
note: run all commands in the application's root directory
Install all dependencies
npm install
Database Setup
- get a mongodb uri
- create a .env file [Recommended: Just rename the .env.example file I created in the root directory.]
- set the connection uri as MONGODB_URI in the .env file (i.e MONGODB_URI=<connection uri>)
API Configuration
Create a cloudinary account;
- You will get a <cloud_name>, <api_key>, and <api_secret>
- In the .env file created above, populate the corresponding field for your cloud name, api key, and api secret
Start Application
npm run server
API Endpoints
GET: api/v1/user/
Sample request to get the list of users [including their names and avatars]
POST: api/v1/user/
Sample request to create a new user [name + avatar]
DELETE: api/v1/user/:id
Sample request to delete a specific user from the database.
PUT: api/v1/user/:id
Sample request to update/replace a specific user.
- Giwa Jossy