This repository is a challenge sent by Semantix. The objective of this challenge, is analyze and extract information from NASA request dataset. There is two datasets on this link, and i opted to handle one by execution. So, if you wish to execute the script to check results from both files available on dataset, stay tuned on 'results' folder, because all sub-folders and files there can be overwritten.
Once you have cloned this repository, you just need to install Docker and Docker Compose.
After install and configure Docker, you should run:
docker-compose build ps
and then:
docker-compose run --rm ps bash
Once you are in docker bash opened by the last command, you should run:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit data/NASA_access_log_Aug95
In my case, i have a folder data
inside my project. But, you can give a path from another place, for example:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit ../foo/bar/NASA_access_log_Aug95
The file is called
, because i used DataFrame to solve the challenge.
When the execution finishes, it creates a folder results
where , for each information a sub-folder with a file .CSV is created inside.
It should create this folders inside results
-> (Quantity of Bytes per day.)frequency_status
-> (Frequency of each http status)- qty_http_404_per_day -> (Quantity of http 404 per Day)
- sum_bytes -> (Sum of all request bytes)
-> (Top twenty requests)- top_5_hosts_http_404 -> (Top five hosts with response http 404)
- total_http_404 -> (Total of http 404)
- unique_hosts -> (List of unique hosts)
The highlighted items, are informations that did not belongs to the challenge, but its a plus.
Also, there is some questions on the Test. To see this go to Those answers are in PT-BR because the test is in PT-BR.
It's very recommended that you take a look on nasa_analysis.ipynb
. On this file, there is a step
by step about how the code in the script works, and another cool things like charts for some
informations extracted.
ATTENTION: The datasets have both more than 150MB, so i didn't add them to this repository. In the
point that you load the dataset do spark, you need to create a folder called data
in this
directory and put the datasets inside. With this, you can see all the analysis on jupter notebook.
To run jupyter notebook:
docker-compose build psnb
and after:
docker-compose up psnb
then pick nasa_analysis.ipynb
and have fun.
I hope you liked.
Feel free to create a issue, if you want.