A D&D game organisation tool for discord
Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/OperationXen/InvisibleServant.git
Create and activate python virtual environment (optional)
python -m pip install virtualenv
python -m virtualenv venv
- Install dependencies
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Create sqllite database
python CoreServer/manage.py makemigrations
python CoreServer/manage.py migrate
Create Web interface user (optional)
python CoreServer/manage.py createsuperuser
Create discord token
- This is a slightly involved process, but it is relatively well documented here: https://www.writebots.com/discord-bot-token/
- This token should be added to the CoreServer/config/settings.py file as DISCORD_TOKEN variable
Add testing guild identity to config
- Right click in Discord app on the server you're using for testing, click "Copy ID" in pop up menu
- Add this ID to the file CoreServer/config/settings.py under the DISCORD_GUILDS variable, eg:
DISCORD_GUILDS = [123123123123123123]
Run API/Admin server in debug mode
python CoreServer/manage.py runserver
Start the discord bot
python CoreServer/manage.py startbot
You should see text to the effect of
bot has connected to discord
If so, congratulations, your bot is up and running. You can access the Django admin page at using the credentials you created.
The bot can be commanded inside the linked discord server while your Django server runs. Try creating a test game in the web interface and running /games