I have a giant image file (generated from a PDF) that contains images of playing cards. I have been finding it a little impractical in use. I want to create a tool that will:
- find the card images (possibly given hints)
- determine the image bounds for the cards
- add padding, if desired
- enforce a desired aspect ratio on the bounding boxes. (Like 2.5:3.5 for Poker cards.)
- output images at a desired size for all of the cards.
- put rounded corners on the output images
- allow specifying a background color (since my input image is transparent)
- output a single card
- output just the bounding box (maybe plus some padding)
- maybe show the bounding box outlined in red or some other color.
NOTE: I cannot include my input playing card image in this project since it is a commercial product and not mine to share.
Test images are all 72px/in.
NOTE: from Illustrator, set up an image of 2.5inx3.5in.
Export to PDF: check offUse Artboards
, andScreen (72ppi)
for Resolution.
- circle: a circle centered in a transparent image.
- image dimensions: 2.5inx3.5in (180x252)
- circle center: 90ptx126pt
- circle diameter: 70pt
- expected bounding box: (55,91)=70x70
- rect: a rect centered in a transparent image.
- image dimensions: 2.5inx3.5in (180x252)
- Rect at 40,66
- Rect size 100x120
- circle_border: a circle centered in a transparent box with a black border.
- image dimensions: 1inx1.25in
- circle at 21,30
- circle diameter: 30px
- grid: a 3x4 grid of images containing geometric shapes with a gray border between them.
2.5/3.5 = 0.71428571428
So a card with width 100 will be 100x140