Description: A Twitter bot that pulls world COVID vaccination records from a GitHub source and tweets comparisons and fun facts of country progress
- Python v3.9
- Tweepy - For accessing Twitter API and handling Tweeting functions
- pandas - For reading csv from GitHub and to provide data processing
- collections - For the OrderedDict class; for getting the list of counries from the GitHub csv
- enum - Enumeration of tweet types and status
- Requests-OAuthlib - Perform oAuth authentication for bot accounts
- emoji-country-flag - Get country flag emoji to add pizzazz to tweets (using v1.2.3)
- Pulls data from GitHub CSV and parses list of countries
- Uses authentication keys for account access (tweets, profile changes, etc.)
- oAuth handling for tweeting on behalf of bot account (@covacc_global and @covacc_usa)
- Get total population data from trusted source
- Analyze log entries for tweetable facts
- Generate bar chart comparing country vaccination progress (per 100 citizens)
- Begin tweeting!
- Automatically retweet articles related to the COVID vaccine? Or maybe retweeting articles in a semi-supervised fashion