Makes fantasy language glossaries based on markov chains applied to text corpuses. Comes with some sample corpuses from Project Gutenberg. (
Requires an installation of the Python programming language version 3
This version requires nltk and pattern for natural language processing.
pattern also requires mysql.
To intall mysql on macos you just need to run:
brew install mysql
For Windows or Linux, refer to
To install nltk and pattern after python and mysql are installed:
pip3 install nltk
python3 -m nltk.downloader all
pip3 install pattern
To run:
on linux/mac From the command line, type './markov [options] [path to additional corpus..]'
on windows From the dos prompt, 'python markov [options] [path to additional corpus..]'
Usage: markov [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LOOKBACK, --lookback=LOOKBACK
number of characters to look back in the chain
-a APPEND_TO, --appendto=APPEND_TO
file to append to, use in conjunction with -s
dictionary file to use
-n NAME, --name=NAME Name of the language, if this is set, the output will
go into a file
-s SEED, --seed=SEED random seed, use in conjunction with -a
To keep track of the random seed, I let the shell create the seed and name the file with the seed.
seed=$RANDOM; ./markov corpus/english.txt -s $seed | tee english_corpus_$seed.txt | less
When I like the result with the smaller file, then I can follow up with a larger dictionary.
You can get additional corpora from Project Gutenberg - download the 'utf-8' version. I recommend removing the Gutenberg headers and footers before running the program on it.
Improvements over the original:
- related words like "elf" and "elfish" should render words that look like they are related
- uses nlp to intelligently detect verb prefixes and noun prefixes and suffixes
- option to append to already-generated list of words so you can start out with the small dictionary and iteratively add onto it with larger or custom dictionaries without overwriting what you already had
- ability to specify a seed for random number generation
- Additions to the small dictionary
- A medium-sized dictionary (from
- A very larger dictionary (from
- I assume an english language dictionary so that I can add some advanced features that take into account word prefixes and suffixes.
- handling of prefixes and suffixes is not exhaustive or perfect
- uses English pluralization rules
- save suffixes and prefixes so I get the same one
- add more prefixes and suffixes
- maybe make the prefixesa nd suffixes come from a file so they are customizable
- improve performance