Automates monotone media handling when writing blog posts with a static site generator such as hugo.
gmb creates directory structure, copies and resizes images and create a stub blog post containing tags for all your images.
- You want to write a blog post containing lots of pictures using hugo
- You keep you original pictures in full resolution in a separate directory somewhere.
- You want to generate smaller versions of the pictures and output them to a suitable folder in your hugo source tree such as: "static/images/slug/"
- You want to generate a stub blog post such as "content/" containing the front matter and image tags for all your images (or audio/pdfs etc.).
- You create a config file in the same folder as your originals.
base_dir: /home/username/hugosite/src # The path to your hugo site source.
slug: awesome-post # The slug you want your post to have.
img_limit: 1000 # The resoultion limit as a square, defaults to 800x800 pixels.
then you run gmb config.yaml
gmb will then do the following:
- go through the folder containing the config file and makes a record of all files there. gmb determines which static folder to output the files to and if they should be processed as images or just copied.
- create /home/username/hugosite/src/static/images/awesome-post
- process all images in original folder and resize and save the output in the static/images/awesome-post folder. The process strips the exif information but rotates the image if needed.
- create /home/username/hugosite/src/content/
- populate the post with frontmatter and image tags for all the processed images. Anything else than images will get a regular link tag.