tsprox is a proxy designed to be running as sidecar container within kubernetes. It will will add itself to your tailscale tailnet to provide a easily reachable address for you and other services living within your tailnet.
By design, it becomes a unique host in your tailnet, it will always listen on port 80.
For my side projects I often don't need publicly reachable addresses, but it is really useful to be able to reach services running inside a kubernetes cluster. Or even between clusters. tsprox allows you to instantly have resolvable magic dns names for those services.
It has 2 ways of authenticating itself to tailscale.
- With an oauth client id and client secret, this will allow tsprox to provision a auth key at runtime. This auth key will be provisioned as ephemeral and expires after 30 seconds.
- With a tailscale auth key you create yourself.
The advantage of the first method is that the client id and secret won't expire. The disadvantage is that you will have to provide tsprox with quite some broad permissions.
The second approach allows you to use an auth key you provision yourself.
tsprox tries to resolve all requests to actual "users". The resolved "user" (tailscale machine name or tags) will be available to the proxied service in the X-Origin-User
tsprox can optionally also expose a web interface that shows received requests and responses. This web interface is reachable on port ${HOSTNAME}:81
The following env vars configure tsprox:
HOSTNAME=tsprox-dev #"machine" name that will be the magic dns name within tailscale
PROXY_HOST=http://localhost:8008 # address to proxy requests to, needs to include protocol (http | https)
ENABLE_CAPTURE=false # wether to enable the web requests capture funcionality that will be available at http://${HOSTNAME}:81
MAX_CAPTURES=10 # amount of requests to keep in memory
# to use OAUTH
TAILNET_NAME=xxxxxxx #name of your tailnet, shown as "organization" in tailscale General Settings
TAILSCALE_TAGS=tag:service # tags to automatically assign to your tsprox instance
# to use auth key
Just add the following snippet to any deployment:
- image: ghcr.io/gnur/tsprox:v1.40.0
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: tsprox
- configMapRef:
name: tsprox-config
- secretRef:
name: tailscale-credentials
And also create the configmap and secret off course.
tsprox follows tailscale versioning, version before the dash is tailscale, rest is number of tsprox releases since.
Image tag latest is also supported, but not advised to use in anything other than testing.