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Open Social Developer Repository

Repository for developers working on the Open Social distribution. This repository contains a useful development workflow in Docker for the Open Social distribution. The development takes place here.

Check for more information about Open Social. For day to day technical documentation use the Github Wiki.

Useful links for developers:


Install from project page on

Visit our project page and head to the "Installation instruction" section on the middle of the page.

Install in Docker containers

  1. Copy and rename the .env.dist to .env and update the .env variables, if you don't want to use the defaults. We recommend to use the .localhost domain extension for the PROJECT_BASE_URL; so that you don't have to update your host file.

  2. Run the nginx-proxy container, you only need one even if you have multiple projects.

docker compose -f docker-compose.nginx.yml -p nginx up -d
  1. Run the docker containers for the project:
docker compose up -d
  1. Depending on the configured PROJECT_BASE_URL, you can access the following services:
  1. Alternatively you can use some extra composer commands to facilitate:
  • docker-up: Start all the docker containers for this project
  • docker-stop: Stop the docker containers for this project. Does not stop the nginx containers
  • docker-shell: Open bash within the web comtainer
  • install-open-social: (Re)install Open Social using the install script
  • phpstan ( inside web container ): Analyse the code in this repository using the configuration from the distribution
  • phpcs ( inside web container ): Lint the code in the repository using PHP CodeSniffer with the configuration from the distribution
  • phpunit ( inside web container ): Run PHPUnit tests in this project with the configuration from the distribution

Install with Composer

Checkout this repository for a Composer template: goalgorilla/social_template.


Contribute to Open Social? Checkout our Contribution to Open Social section on out github wiki

Do you want to join us in this effort? We are welcoming your feedback, (development) time and/or financial support. For feedback, questions or suggestions you can use

If you find any issues feel free to file a bug report in the issue queue.

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