A Dataset of Chinese Scientific Literature Abstract 中文科学文献摘要数据集
[COLING 2022] CSL: A Large-scale Chinese Scientific Literature Dataset 中文科学文献数据集
S2ORC: The Semantic Scholar Open Research Corpus:
Virne is a simulator & benchmark for resource allocation (RA) problems in network function virtualization (NFV), i.e., NFV-RA, including virtual network embedding, service function chain deployment…
The raw data and analysis code for the Microsoft Academic paper recommender system user study conducted in 2018.
🌟 ChatGenTitle:使用百万arXiv论文信息在LLaMA模型上进行微调的论文题目生成模型
A network TV program recommendation system implemented by python is mainly based on the post-fusion of user collaborative filtering and content-based recommendation algorithms.
Recommender System Using LLMs
this is Recommendation system trained on Arxiv dataset
RPRS uses NLP and citation analysis to help researchers find relevant papers. The system incorporates Sentence Transformers, FAISS, and an interactive React frontend for academic recommendations.
Research Papers Recommendation System and Subject Area Prediction Using Deep Learning and LLMS.
This repository provides recommendations for research papers based on user queries. It utilizes an embedded model to interpret the user's input, retrieve the most relevant research papers, and disp…
Paper Recommendation System Using Subgraphs with Same Field of Study
PaperMate-NLP-enabled Recommendation System
The project is an academic paper recommendation system that offers personalized suggestions using NLP, FastText, SCIBERT, and cosine similarity.
小型金融知识图谱构建流程(neo4j / python / cypher / KG)
Neo4j graph construction from unstructured data using LLMs