rails_ddd_auction_example Public
Rails DDD with entity_mapper in practice - auction service example
Ruby UpdatedApr 14, 2024 -
entity_mapper Public
Map persisted data to and from POROs (Plain Old Ruby Objects)
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 30, 2023 -
factory_bot Public
Forked from thoughtbot/factory_botA library for setting up Ruby objects as test data.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedOct 19, 2022 -
AASM - State machines for Ruby classes (plain Ruby, ActiveRecord, Mongoid, NoBrainer, Dynamoid)
Ruby MIT License UpdatedSep 17, 2022 -
cb2 Public
Forked from prognostikos/cb2Implementation of the circuit breaker pattern in Ruby, backed by Redis
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMar 25, 2022 -
react-native-unity-view Public
Forked from coder89/react-native-unity-viewShow an unity view in react native
C# MIT License UpdatedSep 19, 2021 -
react-native-full-screen Public
Forked from Anthonyzou/react-native-full-screenFull screen functionality for Android
Java MIT License UpdatedJun 21, 2021 -
react-native-activestorage Public
Forked from jpalumickas/react-native-activestorageReact Native support for Rails ActiveStorage
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedJun 7, 2021 -
react-native-image-zoom Public
Forked from ascoders/react-native-image-zoomreact native image pan and zoom
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMay 9, 2021 -
react-native-orientation-locker Public
Forked from wonday/react-native-orientation-lockerA react-native module that can listen on orientation changing of device, get current orientation, lock to preferred orientation.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 1, 2021 -
sendgrid-actionmailer Public
Forked from eddiezane/sendgrid-actionmailerRails support via ActionMailer
Ruby MIT License UpdatedNov 6, 2020 -
react-native-version-number Public
Forked from harunsmrkovic/react-native-version-numberGets the version number and build number of your app.
Java MIT License UpdatedOct 2, 2020 -
webxr-measuring-tape Public
Forked from Narendra-Kamath/webxr-measuring-tape⚡ An Augmented Reality real-world length measuring web application built by the modification of the example being provided by babylonjs - concept of using WebXR HitTarget feature.
JavaScript Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedSep 24, 2020 -
docx_replace Public
Forked from adamalbrecht/docx_replaceFind and replace variables inside a Microsoft Word document (.docx) template
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJul 29, 2020 -
rails_panel Public
Forked from dejan/rails_panelChrome extension for Rails development
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJun 14, 2020 -
pundit Public
Forked from varvet/punditMinimal authorization through OO design and pure Ruby classes
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 9, 2019 -
react-native-masonry-list Public
Forked from AppAndFlow/react-native-masonry-listJavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 4, 2019 -
apollo-upload-client Public
Forked from jaydenseric/apollo-upload-clientA terminating Apollo Link for Apollo Client that allows FileList, File, Blob or ReactNativeFile instances within query or mutation variables and sends GraphQL multipart requests.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 2, 2019 -
licensed Public
Forked from licensee/licensedA Ruby gem to cache and verify the licenses of dependencies
Ruby MIT License UpdatedOct 29, 2019 -
redis-rails Public
Forked from redis-store/redis-railsRedis stores for Ruby on Rails
Ruby MIT License UpdatedAug 23, 2019 -
sorbet-rails Public
Forked from chanzuckerberg/sorbet-railsA set of tools to make the Sorbet typechecker work with Ruby on Rails seamlessly.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJun 30, 2019 -
dry-monads Public
Forked from dry-rb/dry-monadsUseful, common monads in idiomatic Ruby
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJun 26, 2019 -
exiv2 Public
Forked from envato/exiv2A simple wrapper around exiv2
cukedoctor Public
Forked from rmpestano/cukedoctorBDD living documentation using Cucumber and Asciidoctor: https://goo.gl/Yp3NiU
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 16, 2019 -
rung Public
Service object/business operation/railway DSL. Inspired by Trailblazer Operation
Ruby MIT License UpdatedFeb 28, 2019 -
library Public
Forked from zxing-js/libraryMulti-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library, usable in JavaScript ecosystem.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedNov 15, 2018 -
geoip2_compat Public
Forked from dbussink/geoip2_compatGeoIP2 library with compatibility interface for https://github.com/mtodd/geoip
C MIT License UpdatedMar 5, 2018 -
cloudflare-go Public
Forked from cloudflare/cloudflare-goGo library for the Cloudflare v4 API
Go BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedFeb 28, 2018