Kotx is a state management container with some tools. Its concept is based on Vuex state manegement tools for Vue.js framework. Some implementation ideas are influenced by bansa, similar tool, but based on Redux
- Store object holds your application state
- State should be changed only by commiting mutations, not directly
- Mutations should be used only in actions
- To get data from state access it directly or use getters
- ...
To get a better feel about kotx visit Vuex's website
You can define you own state class
data class State(var username: String, var updates: Int = 0, var date: Date = Date())
val store = Store(State(username))
or, if your state is simple, use built in type or collection
val store = Store(0)
Every Action type should be defined as an object or class implementing Action interface.
object updateDate : Action
Mutations and getters are defined in a similar way.
data class SetDate(val date: Date) : Mutation
object loggedUsername : Getter
object lastDate : Getter
Now you can define what your actions, mutations and getters will do simply by registering them as in the example below
store.registerAction<updateDate>({ context, _ ->
val date = Date()
store.registerMutation<SetDate>({ state, (date) ->
state.date = date
state.updates += 1
store.registerGetter<lastDate, Date>({ state, _ -> state.date })
store.registerGetter<appStatus, String>({ state, get ->
"${get(loggedUsername)} updated date ${state.updates} times \n last date: ${state.date}"
Function passed to subscribe
function will be called every time when mutation given by generic parameter is commited.
store.subscribe<SetDate>({ _, _ -> printStatus() })
Take a look at my example
- Vue.js plugin
- devtools
- more examples