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badb edited this page May 17, 2017 · 3 revisions

Original whitepaper

P2P default parameters

  • PING_INTERVAL = 2 * 60
  • TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 20 * 60
  • MAX_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 2 * 1024 * 1024
  • Incoming connections = 125
  • Outgoing connections = 10

More can be found here


TL;DR No NAT-punching, UPnP (optional) based on miniupnp

Bitcoin works properly only using outgoing connection, but incoming connections can increase performance -

Node that accepts incoming connection and have a proper port open or supports UPnP is so called listening node.

In bitcoin there is no need to have direct connection so NAT-punching is not really needed.

External IP address is taken from external servers. Different bitcoin clients in the same network:

If you're behind NAT and don't support incoming connections you're not doing anything positive for the network:

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