- 简体中文 使用交流Q群1132683357
- this is a rule engine(or code dynamic load framework) named Gengine based on golang and AST, it can help you to load your code(rules) to run while you did not need to restart your application.
- Gengine's code structure is Modular design, logic is easy to understand, and necessary testing!
- it is also a high performance engine, support many execute-model and rules pool for business, it is easy to use in distribute system.
- because gengine is designed to be extremely easy to use(only 4 APIs), so there are a lot programmers to use gengine without reading document!
- I sincerely hope you can read the document before you use gengine! The doc can greatly help you to use it well
- https://rencalo770.github.io/gengine_en
- go mod or go vendor
- use the newest version!
- write issue or connect
- [email protected] (become some reason,this mail box may can't get mail)
- [email protected]