A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
Easily get the golang syntax tree and modify the code.
Visualize call graph of a Go program using Graphviz
gomonkey is a library to make monkey patching in unit tests easy
[mirror] This is a linter for Go source code. (deprecated)
A Kubernetes toolkit for building distributed applications using cloud native principles
A novel implementation of the Raft consensus algorithm
LeetCode Solutions: A Record of My Problem Solving Journey.( leetcode题解,记录自己的leetcode解题之路。)
A distributed task scheduling framework.(分布式任务调度平台XXL-JOB)
High performance Java APM. Powered by ASM. Try it. Test it. If you feel its better, use it.
CAT 作为服务端项目基础组件,提供了 Java, C/C++, Node.js, Python, Go 等多语言客户端,已经在美团点评的基础架构中间件框架(MVC框架,RPC框架,数据库框架,缓存框架等,消息队列,配置系统等)深度集成,为美团点评各业务线提供系统丰富的性能指标、健康状况、实时告警等。
mei3 / underscore
Forked from jashkenas/underscoreJavaScript's utility _ belt