Using vectors or arrays, backtracking, other required algorithms and Object Oriented programming practices create the following game.
Fun With Letters / Integers - is a game that uses a 4 x 4 board to solve the following requirements:
no two letters or numbers can lie in the same vertical / horizontal or diagonal. (use templates)
different (non-duplicated) letters or numbers either as 4 letter words or 4 numbers (like: bark, bank, card or 1234, 4567, 6789)
pull different number or letter combinations from a file. Write your code so that each new game pulls a different combination. Fill your file with 20 words / 20 number combos.
allow the user to decide whether they want to use a letter or number combo.
create the program so that the user plays the game. You have determined the correct sequence and then check it as the user enters values into a 2D game board.
display the game board as a 2D ascii representation.
allow user to enter values based on row / col combinations like first square is 0,0 - store current game conditions
allow user to continue or quit as they progress placing the values on the board
when game board is full - allow user to decide to quit to check results.
display final stats. If they got it right - tell them - if wrong display correct results.
comment code - heavily
error check code 100% - don't allow any errors in user entry and game logic
submit final code here with screen shots of it working and final code.
- Colors in game (to know entered number, reamaining number and hints)
- Ability to choose between restart, reload
- Win/Defeat screen
- Optimized algrotihm (kinda based on nQueens problem)