Gordon College Co-Curricular Transcript System
Front-end for Project Raymond
- Indroduction
- Sites
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Running and Development
- Running Front And Back End Together
- Addons
- Source Code Guide
- Styling
- Further Reading and Useful Links
- Project running at https://360.gordon.edu
- Using EmberJS Framework
- Makes calls to JSON Server at https://360api.gordon.edu
- Development Sites
- Client: https://360train.gordon.edu
- Server: https://360apitrain.gordon.edu
- Production Sites
- Client: https://360.gordon.edu
- Server: https://360api.gordon.edu
You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.
git clone <repository-url>
this repository- change into the new directory
npm install
bower install
- See ember installation guides for the steps to install ember
ember server
- Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.
Make use of the many generators for code, try ember help generate
for more details
ember test
ember test --server
ember build
(development)ember build --environment production
- Currently running on PC
- After
ember build --environment production
Copy contents ofdist/
- For deploying to development site: this means copying contents of
- For deploying to production site: this means copying contents of
- For deploying to development site: this means copying contents of
- In order to connect the front end (Bernard) to the back end (Raymond) over local host, follow these steps:
- Log onto remote desktop virtual machine
- Open command prompt, git clone project Bernard and project Raymond
- Inside of Project Bernard folder, npm install && bower install
- (If Bower isn't already installed, install it with: npm install -g bower)
- Open Project-Raymond/Gordon360.sln in Visual Studio 2017
- Right click on Gordon360, select Properties and then Web, change Project URL to your desired localhost:####
- Create Virtual Directory. Remember this number. Start Project Raymond
- Open Project Bernard. Open environment.js under config folder in a text editor.
- edit these three lines with back end localhost:####
- apiUrl: 'https://360ApiTrain.gordon.edu/api' to apiUrl: 'http://localhost:####/api'
- baseUrl: 'https://360ApiTrain.gordon.edu' to baseUrl: 'http://localhost:####'
- serverTokenEndpoint: 'https://360ApiTrain.gordon.edu/token' to serverTokenEndpoint: 'http://localhost:####/token'
- Save file. Open command prompt, ember server --live-reload-port #### --port ####
- For these two ports, you can choose any random number higher than 4000. This number has to be different from everyone else's port number.
- /app
- Authenticators
- Makes request for authentication token from the server.
- Makes request when user logs in, page is reloaded or token expires.
- Authorizers
- Authorizes a block of code to send to the server.
- Used in ajax utils.
- Controllers
- Handles function interaction after the initial model is loaded.
- Components
- Acts as a small unit of a page with its own javascript (e.g. a slider)
- Read more about ember components
- Note - the component for the slider was actually added because it was the simplest way to add some 3rd-party javascript that was also used on the gordon.edu home page.
- Helpers
- Functions to be called inside template files.
- Routes
- Loads initial data model with information from the server.
- Uses ajax utils to make calls.
- index.js
- Default route to be loaded
- login.js
- Route to be loaded if user is not logged in.
- Styles
- CSS files.
- Templates
- HTML (Handlebars) files for corresponding route.
- /components
- The html for the component
- application.hbs
- Will appear in all routes.
- Contains menu bar.
- loading.hbs
- Loading screen to be displayed when transitioning between routes.
- Utils
- Functions to be called from JS files
- Use
import FUNCTION_NAME from "gordon360/utils/FILE_NAME"
- Asynchronous ajax calls
- Uses authorizer to authorize call.
- delete, get, post and put.
- app.js
- Standard boilerplate.
- index.html
- Basic HTML file to go along with all routes.
- resolver.js
- Standard boilerplate.
- router.js
- Paths and parameters to each route are specified here.
- Any new page needs to have an associated route with it.
- Any application file, e.g.(application.hbs), is applied to the other files as well, e.g.(application.html is visible on every other html file along with what is in that file).
- Authenticators
- /config
- environment.js
- app configuration
- api urls are specified here
- 360ApiTest.gordon.edu for development environmet.
- 360Api.gordon.edu for production environmet.
- environment.js
- /public
- /images
- Location for images.
- /royalslider
- Images and styles used for the slider on the dashboard (home) page. This was taken from the gordon.edu home page, courtesy of Steve Dagley.
- crossdomain.xml and robots.txt
- Boilerplate
- web.config
- Redirects http to https.
- /images
- /tests
- Not Implemented
- /vendor
- Ember addons
- Other Boilerplate
- .bowerrc
- .editorconfig
- .jshintrc
- .travis.yml
- .watchmancinfig
- bower.json
- ember-cli-build.js
- package.JSON
- testem.js
- Run
ember generate route ROUTE_NAME
- Will generate template, route, test and add appropriate line to app/router.js.
- Each route can also have a controller.
- File are linked with similar same (e.g. login.hbs and login.js).
The site uses a blend of Bootrap components (referenced as <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.6/css/bootstrap.min.css">
in the index.html
file) and customized styling, found in the /styles
folder in the ember app.
Bootstrap has pretty thorough documentation, which can be found here.