This program mixes stem track files, plays, exports the result to file; typically separated with an audio source separation software such as Spleeter. Single file can be played, as a matter of course.
Speed/Pitch Control on-the-fly is implemented using soundtouchJS. AudioWorklet is used if it works on the web browser.
Real-time playback speed is 0 < speed <= 1.0 (sounds choppy if speed > 1.0), but is not limited (speed > 0) for export (or playback after processing).
Written with React and Web Audio API.
SoundtouchJS works well as an intermediate ScriptProcessorNode with AudioContext and as the last node with OfflineAudioContext. AudioWorklet works well as an intermediate Node with AudioContext and OfflineAudioContext.
In the case of OfflineAudioContext, ScriptProcessorNode with input and output does not work well. Output is almost silence and "renderedBuffer" for ScriptProcessorNode at completion seems to be silent or collapsed.
File export function is, therefore, implemented in ScriptProcessorNode and ScriptProcessorNode must be the last node before the destination.
Select one or more STEREO audio flle(s) (5stem example)
bass.wav, drums.wav, other.wav, piano.wav, vocals.wav
- AudioWorklet mode can be turned off with the top right smily button
- Recording function (mic icon) has not been implemented yet.
Addon to soundtouchJS (See docs/ for update and details)
npm install soundtouchjs
copy these two files in your project
MyFilter.js (extends SimpleFilter)
They work as an intermediate ScriptProcessorNode either with AudioContext or OfflineAudioContext (NG for iOS). AudioWorklet does not work with OfflineAudioContext.
Currently stereo audio source only. Arguments for MyPitchShifter() may change (see the source code).
import MyPitchShifter from './MyPitchShifter';
const context = new AudioContext();
const source = context.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = audioBuffer; // audioBuffer is the data to play
// add same length of silence(zeros) for 50% playback
const nInputFrames = audioBuffer.length*audioBuffer.sampleRate;
const bufsize = 4096; // 4096 or larger
const recording = false; // true to record the output
const bypass = false; // true to bypass the effect for test
const shifter = new MyPitchShifter(
context, nInputFrames, bufsize, recording, bypass);
shifter.tempo = 0.8;
// 80% speed (may be changed during playback). Choppy sound if tempo > 1.
const semiTonePitch = 1.0; // one semitone up (#)
shifter.pitch = Math.pow(2.0, semiTonePitch/12.0);
// may be changed during playback
const gainNode = context.createGain();
gainNode.gain.value = 0.7;
// shifter.node is the instance of ScriptNodeProcessor in MyPitchShifter
// Other nodes can be connected after shifter.node in case of AudioContext
/* set callback functions */
// get the time in MyPitchShifter periodically
shifter.onUpdateInterval = 1.0; // in second
shifter.onUpdate = function(playingAt) {
console.log('Playing At', shifter.playingAt);
// or console.log('Playing At', playingAt);
// now time is returnd in the function arg
// When there is no more output
shifter.onEnd = function(audioBuffer) {
if (recording) {
// export the processed audio
// shifter.exportToFile('mix_' + + '.wav');
// and /or play the processed audio //
source2 = context.createBufferSource();
source2.buffer = shifter.recordedBuffer;
// = audioBuffer; also works now
// When source is stopped with GUI (stop button etc.)
source.onended = function(e) {
shifter.stop(); // onEnded() will be called
Surprisingly this worked on macOS Safari and Chrome.
import MyPitchShifter from './MyPitchShifter';
let tempo = 1.5;
const channels = 2;
const nInputFrames = audioBuffer.length*audioBuffer.sampleRate;
const nOutputFrames = Math.max(nInputFrames, nInputFrames/tempo);
context = new OfflineAudioContext (
channels, nOutputFrames + 1.0*sampleRate, sampleRate);
// nOutputFrames is the expected length in frames (add 1 sec)
// Double the length of input audio for 50% playback
const bufsize = 4096; // 4096 or larger
const recording = true;
const bypass = false; // true to bypass the effect for test
const shifter = new MyPitchShifter(
context, nInputFrames, bufsize, recording, bypass);
shifter.tempo = tempo; // Better not change during processing
const semiTonePitch = -1.0; // one semitone down (b)
shifter.pitch = Math.pow(2.0, semiTonePitch/12.0);
// Better not change during processing
const source = context.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = audioBuffer; // audioBuffer is the data to play
/* Note: shifter.node is the last node for OfflineAudioContext.
The output audio samples of ScriptProcessorNode
are collapsed (almost zero) in case of OfflineAudioContext
/* If you want to check how many seconds have been processed */
// shifter.onUpdateInterval = 10.0;
// shifter.onUpdate = function() { console.log(shifter.playingAt); }
/* onEnd called when processing is over */
shifter.onEnd = function () {
shifter.exportToFile('mix_' + + '.wav');
/* And/or play shifter.recordedBuffer */
/* If you want interrupt the processing
Processing time is just a few seconds for five minutes song */
// source.onended = function (e) {
// shifter.stop();
// }
/* e.renderedBuffer
should be the processed samples but actually it is collapsed.
Update: e.renderedBuffer is usable with OfflineAudioContext
context.oncomplete = function(e) {
console.log( 'Offline render complete length = ', e.renderedBuffer.length);
// export or play e.renderedBuffer
- Realtime playback -- Slow down only (50 -- 100%) (Spec)
- (Mar. 11, 2021) Voice recording with playback ==> Will think of this after other issues
- (Mar. 11) Performance issues ==> Reduce UI rendering ==> testing
- (Mar. 15) Working on docs ==> almost (Mar. 17)
- (Mar. 17) worklet with OfflineAudioContext functional on Firefox and Chrome
- worklet branch only
- (Mar. 18) Now works on Safari with ScriptProcessorNode
- AudioWorklet is not available on Safari (incl. iOS Chrome)
- worklet branch merged to main
- (Mar. 22) Almost done.
- dj-fiorex is developing Voice recording functionality.