Raman off-resonant activity calculator using VASP as a back-end.
In order to calculate off-resonance Raman activity of a mode, one needs to compute the derivative of the polarizability (or macroscopic dielectric tensor) with respect to that normal mode coordinate: dP/dQ
(or de/dQ
Thus, two ingredients are required:
- Phonons at Γ-point
- Macroscopic dielectric tensor
In VASP, phonons at Γ-point can be computed using either:
- finite displacements:
; or - density functional perturbation theory (DFPT):
Only finite displacements are available when hybrid functional is employed.
In VASP, macroscopic dielectric tensor can be computed using either:
; or - or from frequency dependent dielectric matrix calculation:
In the latter case, hybrids functionals could be employed.
For a more formal description of the method see D. Porezag, M.R. Pederson, PRB, 54, 7830 (1996).
Python >= 2.6 is required. Just copy vasp_raman.py
in the $PATH
and run! No external dependencies.
- Raman activity spectrum for Si using VASP
- Raman activity spectrum for Si using VTST tools
- Raman activity spectrum for cyclopentadiene using VASP
- Raman activity spectrum for Si using VTST tools and PW91 functional
- ADDED: ability to use phonons obtained from the vtst tools
- FIX: cleaned
parsing code
- FIX: contributors and version are now in the output
- FIX: Cyclopentadiene example is now fully consistent with the version
- Basic working functionality
Alexandr Fonari (Georgia Tech, PIs: J.-L. Bredas/V. Coropceanu): Email
Shannon Stauffer (UT Austin, PI: G. Henkelman): Email.