- Build windows and android binary with same sample code!
- Install Vulkan (Tested version
- Install CMake
- Setup SDL or GLFW (Default is SDL, tested version 3.1.3)
- Setup GLM (Tested version
- git clone this repo
- [Optional] Download other thirdparty headers: stb_image.h and tiny_obj_loader.h (I already put both files in the "thirdparty" folder in this repo)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..
make -j
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -D SINGLE=true ..
make -j
- [Optional] Edit CMakeLists.txt to tell compiler which sample to build
After cmake, an auto-test script will be generated as bin/autotest.bat
Launch autotest.bat will launch a sample; press "Esc" to skip to the next sample
- Install Android Studio: https://developer.android.com/
Android SDK Build-Tools 34: 30.0.3 - Install NDK: https://developer.android.com/studio/projects/install-ndk
You only need to install&setup NDK. You should already installed and configured CMake when installing Vulkan. NDK: 25.1.8937393
- [Optional] To verify setup success or not, make sure to run these tests: https://github.com/android/ndk-samples
Especially the "hello-vulkan" test.
Launch Android Studio, open "androidSandbox" folder. Select "Build" > "Build Bundle(s) / APK(s) > Build APK(s)"
- [Optional] Edit samples/android/androidSample.h to tell Android Studio which sample to build
- [Optional] If you want to run sample on AVD(Android Virtual Device), in the Android Studio, click the green button on the top right corner.
- When device is connected, Run 'app' will launch on device
- When device is not conntected, Run 'app' will launch AVD, then you can click the green triangle button on the bar to start app
Both GLFW and SDL are supported.
The default windows/interactive is SDL3.
To switch back to GLFW, do this:
switch CMakeLists.txt with glfw_CMakeLists.txt
what it does:
- add include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/glfwFramework/include)
- add add_subdirectory(glfwFramework)
- add link_libraries(glfw-framework, glfw3dll)
- copy glfw3dll to bin folder
- clone https://github.com/jbeder/yaml-cpp/tree/master
- in yaml-cpp repo:
- mkdir build; cd build
- cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" .. -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON
- make -j
- libyaml-cpp.dll will be generated in build/
- in VulkanPlatform repo:
- copy libyaml-cpp.dll and include/yaml-cpp into thirdparty/
- put these path in CMakeLists.txt so headers and .dll can be found
- copy libyaml-cpp.dll to bin folder
- in sourcefile, #include "../../thirdParty/yaml-cpp/yaml.h"
- there is an warning issue related to MinGW: jbeder/yaml-cpp#1072
There are some rules when setting Yaml:
- if enable MSAA, depthTest will automated be enabled(even it is set to false in yaml)
- For Android, just distribute the single .apk file, it contains all resources.
- For Windows, it is more complicated. Besides the .exe binary, you should include the following resources(if the sample use any):
Also include the following dynamic libs:
- Windows binary can not run because missing vulkan-1.dll
This is because Vulkan SDK or Vulkan Runtime is not installed.
Solution is to install Vulkan SDK(https://vulkan.lunarg.com/sdk/home#windows)
If you only want to distribute the binary, only download Vulkan Runtime, unzip and copy vulkan-1.dll to the binary folder - Windows binary can not run because missing libstdc++-6.dll or/and libgcc_s_seh-1.dll
This is because MinGW is not installed. Install MinGW will solve this issue.
If you only want to distribute the binary, copy libstdc++-6.dll or/and libgcc_s_seh-1.dll from C:\mingw64\bin (or where you install MinGW) to the binary folder - Windows binary has no error message but nothing shows up or it simply CTD(crash to desktop)
Most likely hardware(GPU) does not support Vulkan; or you are using virtual machine that has no GPU support.
You can verify this by installing Vulkan SDK, and runing the test under Bin/vkcube.exe.
Solution is to not use virtual machine, and buy a real physical graphics card(that supports Vulkan, which most will do) at https://www.amazon.com/ (or whatever e-commerce website) - In Android Studio, when Debug 'app', AVD stucks at "Waiting For Debugger" forever
One reason is that there are multiple virtual devices and the debugger is stuck on one of them.
Delete these virtual devices and leave only one.
(I use Pixel 7 Pro API 30, Android 11.0 Google Play | x86)
Take samples/furMark as example, for GTX1080Ti Desktop Founders Edition:
- Load Model cost: 1.015 milliseconds
- Load Texture 'fur.jpg' cost: 14 milliseconds
- Load Texture 'noise.png' cost: 14.002 milliseconds
- Load Texture 'wall.jpg' cost: 6.001 milliseconds
- Load Textures (combined) cost: 37.001 milliseconds
- Total Initialization cost: 43.001 milliseconds
simpleMipmap(GTX1080Ti Desktop Founders Edition):
- Load Model cost: 1.009 milliseconds
- Load Texture 'checkerboard_marble.jpg' cost: 379.115 milliseconds
- Load Textures (combined) cost: 380.122 milliseconds
- Total Initialization cost: 392.114 milliseconds
simpleObjLoader(GTX1080Ti Desktop Founders Edition):
- Load Model cost: 34.031 milliseconds
- Load Texture 'viking_room.png' cost: 67.998 milliseconds
- Load Textures (combined) cost: 69 milliseconds
- Total Initialization cost: 108.119 milliseconds