#Name luaob -- obfuscator of Lua code.
#Decsription Obfuscator for valid Lua code. Target code is WoW's Lua and may be read the *.toc file of Addon, but if included files are *.lua.
- [always] Remove comments
- [always] Remove duplicated chars (' ', '\n', '\t', '0x160')
- [always] Remove extra whitespace
- [always] Remove extra new line symbols and replace him to semicolon
- Replace global function names
- Replace local variable's names and argument's names
- Replace string value to complex expression (escapes codes)
- Add false comment
- Replace integer number to complex expression
- Replace float number to complex expression
- Add false code
#Synopsis luaob [-t toc_file_name] [-gef global_exclude_functions_file_name] [-a FILE] [-dir DIRECTORY] [-opt-one_file] [-between_lines line_count] [-opt-add_false_code] [-opt-add_false_comment] [-opt-const_float] [-opt-const_int] [-opt-const_string] [-opt-global_function] [-opt-local_function] [-opt-local_vars_args]
- -t tocFileName (The file name of *.toc file)
- -gef globalExcludeFunctionsFileName (The file name of file, included global function names which must be exclude from obfuscating)
- -a FILE (*.lua file name)
- -dir DIRECTORY (The search directory, must be one!)
- -between_lines line_count (count of \n between a lines in one obfuscated file)
- -opt-one_file (Create one obfuscated file)
- -opt-add_false_code (If this option is sets then will be add false code, default false)
- -opt-add_false_comment (If this option is sets then will be add false comment, default false)
- -opt-const_float (If this option is sets then will be obfuscates float numbers, default false)
- -opt-const_int (If this option is sets then will be obfuscates int numbers, default false)
- -opt-const_string (If this option is sets then will be obfuscates strings, default false)
- -opt-global_function (If this option is sets then will be obfuscate global function names, default false)
- -opt-local_function (If this option is sets then will be obfuscate local function names, default false)
- -opt-local_vars_args (If this option is sets then will be obfuscate local variables and arguments, default false)
#Version luaob 1.0
#Compare [https://github.com/mlnlover11/XFuscator]