A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for you to use in your web projects.
This repository contains the heroicons
made by the team from refactoringui
as React
components bundled in ESM
format (ie. no CommonJS format).
Preview the icons at heroicons.dev (Made by codex-zaydek
First, install this library!
npm install --save @graywolfai/react-heroicons
Now you have access to the entire heroicons
library! They are formatted as pascal case and have either nothing (solid format) or Outline
(outline format) appended at the end. You use them like you would any svg
import { ArchiveSolid } from "@graywolfai/react-heroicons";
import { ArchiveOutline } from "@graywolfai/react-heroicons"; // or
export const SomeComponent = () => {
return (
<ArchiveSolid className="h-6 w-6 text-gray-500"></ArchiveSolid>
<ArchiveOutline className="h-6 w-6 text-gray-500"></ArchiveOutline> // or
Note the above example assumes you are using
Tailwind CSS
but the color is easily stylable by using the CSScolor
↳ AcademicCapOutline
↳ AcademicCapSolid
↳ AdjustmentsOutline
↳ AdjustmentsSolid
↳ AnnotationOutline
↳ AnnotationSolid
↳ ArchiveOutline
↳ ArchiveSolid
↳ ArrowCircleDownOutline
↳ ArrowCircleDownSolid
↳ ArrowCircleLeftOutline
↳ ArrowCircleLeftSolid
↳ ArrowCircleRightOutline
↳ ArrowCircleRightSolid
↳ ArrowCircleUpOutline
↳ ArrowCircleUpSolid
↳ ArrowDownOutline
↳ ArrowDownSolid
↳ ArrowLeftOutline
↳ ArrowLeftSolid
↳ ArrowNarrowDownOutline
↳ ArrowNarrowDownSolid
↳ ArrowNarrowLeftOutline
↳ ArrowNarrowLeftSolid
↳ ArrowNarrowRightOutline
↳ ArrowNarrowRightSolid
↳ ArrowNarrowUpOutline
↳ ArrowNarrowUpSolid
↳ ArrowRightOutline
↳ ArrowRightSolid
↳ ArrowsExpandOutline
↳ ArrowsExpandSolid
↳ ArrowUpOutline
↳ ArrowUpSolid
↳ AtSymbolOutline
↳ AtSymbolSolid
↳ BackspaceOutline
↳ BackspaceSolid
↳ BadgeCheckOutline
↳ BadgeCheckSolid
↳ BanOutline
↳ BanSolid
↳ BeakerOutline
↳ BeakerSolid
↳ BellOutline
↳ BellSolid
↳ BookmarkAltOutline
↳ BookmarkAltSolid
↳ BookmarkOutline
↳ BookmarkSolid
↳ BookOpenOutline
↳ BookOpenSolid
↳ BriefcaseOutline
↳ BriefcaseSolid
↳ CakeOutline
↳ CakeSolid
↳ CalculatorOutline
↳ CalculatorSolid
↳ CalendarOutline
↳ CalendarSolid
↳ CameraOutline
↳ CameraSolid
↳ CashOutline
↳ CashSolid
↳ ChartBarOutline
↳ ChartBarSolid
↳ ChartPieOutline
↳ ChartPieSolid
↳ ChartSquareBarOutline
↳ ChartSquareBarSolid
↳ ChatAlt2Outline
↳ ChatAlt2Solid
↳ ChatAltOutline
↳ ChatAltSolid
↳ ChatOutline
↳ ChatSolid
↳ CheckCircleOutline
↳ CheckCircleSolid
↳ CheckOutline
↳ CheckSolid
↳ ChevronDoubleDownOutline
↳ ChevronDoubleDownSolid
↳ ChevronDoubleLeftOutline
↳ ChevronDoubleLeftSolid
↳ ChevronDoubleRightOutline
↳ ChevronDoubleRightSolid
↳ ChevronDoubleUpOutline
↳ ChevronDoubleUpSolid
↳ ChevronDownOutline
↳ ChevronDownSolid
↳ ChevronLeftOutline
↳ ChevronLeftSolid
↳ ChevronRightOutline
↳ ChevronRightSolid
↳ ChevronUpOutline
↳ ChevronUpSolid
↳ ChipOutline
↳ ChipSolid
↳ ClipboardCheckOutline
↳ ClipboardCheckSolid
↳ ClipboardCopyOutline
↳ ClipboardCopySolid
↳ ClipboardListOutline
↳ ClipboardListSolid
↳ ClipboardOutline
↳ ClipboardSolid
↳ ClockOutline
↳ ClockSolid
↳ CloudDownloadOutline
↳ CloudDownloadSolid
↳ CloudOutline
↳ CloudSolid
↳ CloudUploadOutline
↳ CloudUploadSolid
↳ CodeOutline
↳ CodeSolid
↳ CogOutline
↳ CogSolid
↳ CollectionOutline
↳ CollectionSolid
↳ ColorSwatchOutline
↳ ColorSwatchSolid
↳ CreditCardOutline
↳ CreditCardSolid
↳ CubeOutline
↳ CubeSolid
↳ CubeTransparentOutline
↳ CubeTransparentSolid
↳ CurrencyBangladeshiOutline
↳ CurrencyBangladeshiSolid
↳ CurrencyDollarOutline
↳ CurrencyDollarSolid
↳ CurrencyEuroOutline
↳ CurrencyEuroSolid
↳ CurrencyPoundOutline
↳ CurrencyPoundSolid
↳ CurrencyRupeeOutline
↳ CurrencyRupeeSolid
↳ CurrencyYenOutline
↳ CurrencyYenSolid
↳ CursorClickOutline
↳ CursorClickSolid
↳ DatabaseOutline
↳ DatabaseSolid
↳ DesktopComputerOutline
↳ DesktopComputerSolid
↳ DeviceMobileOutline
↳ DeviceMobileSolid
↳ DeviceTabletOutline
↳ DeviceTabletSolid
↳ DocumentAddOutline
↳ DocumentAddSolid
↳ DocumentDownloadOutline
↳ DocumentDownloadSolid
↳ DocumentDuplicateOutline
↳ DocumentDuplicateSolid
↳ DocumentOutline
↳ DocumentRemoveOutline
↳ DocumentRemoveSolid
↳ DocumentReportOutline
↳ DocumentReportSolid
↳ DocumentSearchOutline
↳ DocumentSearchSolid
↳ DocumentSolid
↳ DocumentTextOutline
↳ DocumentTextSolid
↳ DotsCircleHorizontalOutline
↳ DotsCircleHorizontalSolid
↳ DotsHorizontalOutline
↳ DotsHorizontalSolid
↳ DotsVerticalOutline
↳ DotsVerticalSolid
↳ DownloadOutline
↳ DownloadSolid
↳ DuplicateOutline
↳ DuplicateSolid
↳ EmojiHappyOutline
↳ EmojiHappySolid
↳ EmojiSadOutline
↳ EmojiSadSolid
↳ ExclamationCircleOutline
↳ ExclamationCircleSolid
↳ ExclamationOutline
↳ ExclamationSolid
↳ ExternalLinkOutline
↳ ExternalLinkSolid
↳ EyeOffOutline
↳ EyeOffSolid
↳ EyeOutline
↳ EyeSolid
↳ FastForwardOutline
↳ FastForwardSolid
↳ FilmOutline
↳ FilmSolid
↳ FilterOutline
↳ FilterSolid
↳ FingerPrintOutline
↳ FingerPrintSolid
↳ FireOutline
↳ FireSolid
↳ FlagOutline
↳ FlagSolid
↳ FolderAddOutline
↳ FolderAddSolid
↳ FolderDownloadOutline
↳ FolderDownloadSolid
↳ FolderOpenOutline
↳ FolderOpenSolid
↳ FolderOutline
↳ FolderRemoveOutline
↳ FolderRemoveSolid
↳ FolderSolid
↳ GiftOutline
↳ GiftSolid
↳ GlobeAltOutline
↳ GlobeAltSolid
↳ GlobeOutline
↳ GlobeSolid
↳ HandOutline
↳ HandSolid
↳ HashtagOutline
↳ HashtagSolid
↳ HeartOutline
↳ HeartSolid
↳ HomeOutline
↳ HomeSolid
↳ IdentificationOutline
↳ IdentificationSolid
↳ InboxInOutline
↳ InboxInSolid
↳ InboxOutline
↳ InboxSolid
↳ InformationCircleOutline
↳ InformationCircleSolid
↳ KeyOutline
↳ KeySolid
↳ LibraryOutline
↳ LibrarySolid
↳ LightBulbOutline
↳ LightBulbSolid
↳ LightningBoltOutline
↳ LightningBoltSolid
↳ LinkOutline
↳ LinkSolid
↳ LocationMarkerOutline
↳ LocationMarkerSolid
↳ LockClosedOutline
↳ LockClosedSolid
↳ LockOpenOutline
↳ LockOpenSolid
↳ LoginOutline
↳ LoginSolid
↳ LogoutOutline
↳ LogoutSolid
↳ MailOpenOutline
↳ MailOpenSolid
↳ MailOutline
↳ MailSolid
↳ MapOutline
↳ MapSolid
↳ MenuAlt1Outline
↳ MenuAlt1Solid
↳ MenuAlt2Outline
↳ MenuAlt2Solid
↳ MenuAlt3Outline
↳ MenuAlt3Solid
↳ MenuAlt4Outline
↳ MenuAlt4Solid
↳ MenuOutline
↳ MenuSolid
↳ MicrophoneOutline
↳ MicrophoneSolid
↳ MinusCircleOutline
↳ MinusCircleSolid
↳ MinusOutline
↳ MinusSolid
↳ MoonOutline
↳ MoonSolid
↳ MusicNoteOutline
↳ MusicNoteSolid
↳ NewspaperOutline
↳ NewspaperSolid
↳ OfficeBuildingOutline
↳ OfficeBuildingSolid
↳ PaperAirplaneOutline
↳ PaperAirplaneSolid
↳ PaperClipOutline
↳ PaperClipSolid
↳ PauseOutline
↳ PauseSolid
↳ PencilAltOutline
↳ PencilAltSolid
↳ PencilOutline
↳ PencilSolid
↳ PhoneIncomingOutline
↳ PhoneIncomingSolid
↳ PhoneMissedCallOutline
↳ PhoneMissedCallSolid
↳ PhoneOutgoingOutline
↳ PhoneOutgoingSolid
↳ PhoneOutline
↳ PhoneSolid
↳ PhotographOutline
↳ PhotographSolid
↳ PlayOutline
↳ PlaySolid
↳ PlusCircleOutline
↳ PlusCircleSolid
↳ PlusOutline
↳ PlusSolid
↳ PresentationChartBarOutline
↳ PresentationChartBarSolid
↳ PresentationChartLineOutline
↳ PresentationChartLineSolid
↳ PrinterOutline
↳ PrinterSolid
↳ PuzzleOutline
↳ PuzzleSolid
↳ QrcodeOutline
↳ QrcodeSolid
↳ QuestionMarkCircleOutline
↳ QuestionMarkCircleSolid
↳ ReceiptRefundOutline
↳ ReceiptRefundSolid
↳ ReceiptTaxOutline
↳ ReceiptTaxSolid
↳ RefreshOutline
↳ RefreshSolid
↳ ReplyOutline
↳ ReplySolid
↳ RewindOutline
↳ RewindSolid
↳ RssOutline
↳ RssSolid
↳ SaveAsOutline
↳ SaveAsSolid
↳ SaveOutline
↳ SaveSolid
↳ ScaleOutline
↳ ScaleSolid
↳ ScissorsOutline
↳ ScissorsSolid
↳ SearchCircleOutline
↳ SearchCircleSolid
↳ SearchOutline
↳ SearchSolid
↳ SelectorOutline
↳ SelectorSolid
↳ ServerOutline
↳ ServerSolid
↳ ShareOutline
↳ ShareSolid
↳ ShieldCheckOutline
↳ ShieldCheckSolid
↳ ShieldExclamationOutline
↳ ShieldExclamationSolid
↳ ShoppingBagOutline
↳ ShoppingBagSolid
↳ ShoppingCartOutline
↳ ShoppingCartSolid
↳ SortAscendingOutline
↳ SortAscendingSolid
↳ SortDescendingOutline
↳ SortDescendingSolid
↳ SparklesOutline
↳ SparklesSolid
↳ SpeakerphoneOutline
↳ SpeakerphoneSolid
↳ StarOutline
↳ StarSolid
↳ StatusOfflineOutline
↳ StatusOfflineSolid
↳ StatusOnlineOutline
↳ StatusOnlineSolid
↳ StopOutline
↳ StopSolid
↳ SunOutline
↳ SunSolid
↳ SupportOutline
↳ SupportSolid
↳ SwitchHorizontalOutline
↳ SwitchHorizontalSolid
↳ SwitchVerticalOutline
↳ SwitchVerticalSolid
↳ TableOutline
↳ TableSolid
↳ TagOutline
↳ TagSolid
↳ TemplateOutline
↳ TemplateSolid
↳ TerminalOutline
↳ TerminalSolid
↳ ThumbDownOutline
↳ ThumbDownSolid
↳ ThumbUpOutline
↳ ThumbUpSolid
↳ TicketOutline
↳ TicketSolid
↳ TranslateOutline
↳ TranslateSolid
↳ TrashOutline
↳ TrashSolid
↳ TrendingDownOutline
↳ TrendingDownSolid
↳ TrendingUpOutline
↳ TrendingUpSolid
↳ TruckOutline
↳ TruckSolid
↳ UploadOutline
↳ UploadSolid
↳ UserAddOutline
↳ UserAddSolid
↳ UserCircleOutline
↳ UserCircleSolid
↳ UserGroupOutline
↳ UserGroupSolid
↳ UserOutline
↳ UserRemoveOutline
↳ UserRemoveSolid
↳ UserSolid
↳ UsersOutline
↳ UsersSolid
↳ VariableOutline
↳ VariableSolid
↳ VideoCameraOutline
↳ VideoCameraSolid
↳ ViewBoardsOutline
↳ ViewBoardsSolid
↳ ViewGridAddOutline
↳ ViewGridAddSolid
↳ ViewGridOutline
↳ ViewGridSolid
↳ ViewListOutline
↳ ViewListSolid
↳ VolumeOffOutline
↳ VolumeOffSolid
↳ VolumeUpOutline
↳ VolumeUpSolid
↳ WifiOutline
↳ WifiSolid
↳ XCircleOutline
↳ XCircleSolid
↳ XOutline
↳ XSolid
↳ ZoomInOutline
↳ ZoomInSolid
↳ ZoomOutOutline
↳ ZoomOutSolid
# first generate the `tsx` files
# make sure to copy the output and replace the options above
npm run generate
# then bundle them into an ESM format
npm run bundle
# then tag (make sure to push the commit/tag to GitHub and create a release)
npm version major|minor|patch
# Then publish!
npm publish
- This article is a nice reference for creating
component libraries.