This is the initial release for Passtime.
NOTE: I will not be supporting IOS due to obvious reasons.
- Bored: Users can click on the card to get a randomized task. The task will also have details like:
- Price: How expensive can the task get, represented as a decimal btw 1 and 0.
- Category: The category of the task.
- Title: The name of the task.
- Minimum no. of People required for the task.
- Difficulty: How difficult can the task get? Represented as a decimal from 1 to 0.
- Link: not always present. Will redirect you to relevant webpages.
- Agify: Users can click on the card to view an estimated age based on their submitted name. The exact details on how it works can be found here
- Genderize: Users can click on the card to view a predictive gender based on their submitted name. The exact details on how it works can be found here
- Nationalize: Users can click on the card to view a predictive nationality based on their submitted name. The exact details on how it works can be found here
- RoboHash: Users can click on the card to view and share a uniquely generated robot image based on their submitted name. The exact details on how it works can be found here
Coming soon
A tab has been left unpopulated to make space and to act as a teaser for an upcoming AI activities tab.
Install Instructions:
- Download .APK file below to your phone.
- Open the application.
- The app may generate a response 'Not Verified Author'. Ignore that and proceed to download anyways
- After Download, Enjoy!!
Auto Generated
- [ImgBot] Optimize images by @imgbot in #2
- Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 1 directory with 2 updates by @dependabot in #1
- Master by @greeenboi in #3
- Master by @greeenboi in #4