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Based on gmock, can mock global function, member function, class static function without changing source code.
GoogleTest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
do-it-yourself, full-featured and smart wall clock device
PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)
Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine (main repository)
Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
The C++ Core Guidelines are a set of tried-and-true guidelines, rules, and best practices about coding in C++
An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook.
The POCO C++ Libraries are powerful cross-platform C++ libraries for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile, IoT, and embedded systems.
Forked from
A C++ header-only HTTP/HTTPS server and client library
你管这破玩意叫操作系统源码 — 像小说一样品读 Linux 0.11 核心代码
Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
本项目为 mirai-api-http 的 C++ 封装,方便使用 C++ 开发基于 mirai-api-http 插件。
Matplot++: A C++ Graphics Library for Data Visualization 📊🗾
Translation between Franca Interface Description Language and AUTOSAR XML interface description language
Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics