A PHP library for Instagram
Developed October 2012 for Chirpify.com
This library of functions was built with the PHP CodeIgniter framework in mind, but could be used in a variety of object oriented projects. HTTP_request is not required, it's simply a CI wrapper for CURL requests.
Released under a BSD license.
A few useful points
The Realtime Updates (using the pubsubhubbub protocol) are notoriously leaky. They seem to work 80% of the time.
If your application requires reliable updates from users', poll them using the API, using the user's access token.
To be able to set comments on behalf of users you now have to email
apidevelopers[at]instagram.com and ask for permission.
Timestamps are UTC.
Chris Teso
Evan Reeves
Todd Gruener
G. Xavier Robillard
Cameron Brown
Ian VanNess
Boom goes the dynamite.