Rollup plugin that can be used to:
- Prepend a banner from a file.
- Create a file containing all third-parties used in the bundle (and display the license of each dependency).
Install the plugin with NPM:
npm install --save-dev rollup-plugin-license
Then add it to your rollup configuration:
const path = require('path');
const license = require('rollup-plugin-license');
module.exports ={
plugins: [
sourceMap: true,
banner: {
file: path.join(__dirname, 'LICENSE'),
thirdParty: {
output: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'dependencies.txt'),
includePrivate: true, // Default is false.
The banner file can be a text file and it will be converted to a block comment automatically if needed.
Note that the content will be translated to a lodash template with the following data model:
: The content of the projectpackage.json
: An array of all the dependencies included in the bundle.moment
: Themoment
: The lodash object.
Here is a valid banner:
Bundle of <%= %>
Generated: <%= moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD') %>
Version: <%= pkg.version %>
<% _.forEach(dependencies, function (dependency) { %>
<%= %> -- <%= dependency.version %>
<% }) %>
A file containing a summary of all dependencies can be generated automatically using the following options:
thirdParty: {
output: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'dependencies.txt'),
includePrivate: true, // Default is false.
MIT License (MIT)
If you find a bug or think about enhancement, feel free to contribute and submit an issue or a pull request.