Right now this terraform setup creates:
- Import the subaccount named 'trial'
- Add entitlements for
- Alert Notification
- SAP Build Work Zone, standard edition
- SAP Cloud Identity Services
- HANA Cloud tools
- HANA Cloud
- Create an instance of
- SAP Build Work Zone, standard edition
- SAP Cloud Identity Services
- HANA Cloud tools
- HANA Cloud
- Add trust to the SAP Cloud Identity Services instance
Must be created in region us10
Register at Terraform Cloud and create a new organization. Navigate to this organization and open the settings. For the Default Execution Mode choose Local
Create a new GitHub Codespace by clicking on the green button in the repository, choose the tab Codespaces and click on create. This will create a new Codespace with the required tools. If you want to use the Codespace in your local VS Code you can configure this as a preference using https://github.com/settings/codespaces.
Create a new branch with the name of your terraform organization.
Change the file terraform.tf
and replace the organization
with your organization name.
Create .env file in the root directory with the following content:
then run
export $(xargs <.env)
to load the environment variables. Now you can run the terraform commands.
When you use this repository for the first time on a freshly created BTP Trial account then you need to uncomment the import lines in the main.tf
file and insert your Subaccount ID.
Authenticate to Terraform Cloud:
terraform login
Install the required providers:
terraform init
See what will be created:
terraform plan
Create the resources:
terraform apply