A curated list of awesome books, tutorials, courses, and resources for the Spring framework ecosystem.
If you're new to Spring, start with watching the What is Spring? video.
- Cloud Native Java, 2017 - Learn how to build scalable & resilient cloud native applications with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry.
- Cloud Native Spring in Action, 2021 - A hands-on guide to cloud native application development using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Docker, and Kubernetes.
- Hacking with Spring Boot 2.3: Reactive Edition, 2020 - Learn the latest Spring features to build modern, reactive web applications with Spring Boot.
- Reactive Spring, 2020 - An introduction to reactive programming and its implementation in the Spring ecosystem.
- Spring Boot: Up & Running, 2021 - A guide through Spring Boot’s architecture and approach, along with topics such as debugging, testing, and deployment.
- Spring Security in Action, 2020 - Learn how to secure web applications from the most common threats using Spring Security.
- The Confident Spring Professional - Built to give you a comprehensive understanding of the Spring ecosystem, including Spring Framework, Spring MVC, Spring Data, and Spring Boot.
- Bootiful Podcast - A "celebration of the real heroes that drive ecosystems", hosted by the Spring developer advocate Josh Long.
- What is Spring Boot? Autoconfigurations In-Depth - A guide to get an in-depth understanding of what Spring Boot is, how its auto-configuration works and what the difference with the Spring Framework is.
- Centralized Configuration with Spring Cloud Config - Learn how to build a central config server with Spring Cloud Config, configure a Spring Boot application with it, and refresh the config at runtime.
- What is Spring Framework: Dependency Injection in Java - A guide to understand what Spring framework is and how its core features like dependency injection or aspected oriented programming work.
- How to enable HTTPS in a Spring Boot Java application - Learn how to enable HTTPS in a Spring Boot application, get an SSL certificate and configure TLS in the embedded Tomcat.
- Securing a Spring Boot Application with Keycloak - Integrate Spring Boot with Keycloak, define access policies based on user roles, and add authentication and authorization with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect.
- Spring Security: Authentication and Authorization In-Depth - A guide to understand what Spring Security is and how its core features like authentication, authorization or common exploit protection work.
- Spring Security and Keycloak to Secure a Spring Boot Application - Keycloak is a solution for identity and access management. Learn how to secure a Spring Boot application using Spring Security and Keycloak.
- Baeldung - In-depth articles and tutorials in the Java ecosystem and web development, with a strong focus on Spring, Spring Security and RESTful APIs.
- Marco Behler - Guides and tutorials about programming Java and Spring applications.
- Reflectoring - Guides and tutorials about Spring Boot, Java, and software development principles.
- Spring Academy - Video tutorials about Spring, with focus on Spring Cloud AWS and Spring Data.
- Spring Developer - The official YouTube channel for the Spring project.
- Spring I/O Conference - Videos of keynotes and talks from all the past editions of the Spring I/O Conference.
- Spring Tips - Video playlist with tips and tutorials about Spring by Josh Long.
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