MATLAB functions to process delimited text files. Using structures similar to R's Data Frames, MATLAB can manipulate tabular heterogeneous data for statistical analaysis.
In this context, a data frame is a structure of arrays where each array is column-oriented, one dimensional and has the same number of elements as every other column.
- DFread - load a tab delimited text file into a data frame
- DFwrite - write a tab delimited text file from a data frame
- DFkeeprow - make subset of a data frame given row indices
- DFindex - generate an index for a data frame for any number of fields
- DFcat - concatenate rows from structure of array onto a data frame
- DFjoin - perform a join between two files (or structures of arrays)
- DFkeepcol - keep only listed fields from a data frame
- DFfrommat - make a data frame from a matrix and an array of strings
- DFsort - sort a data frame based on any number of fields
- DFtomat - make a matrix and an array of strings from a data frame
- DFunmerge - unmerge rows from a structure
- DFverify - test that all arrays in data frame are of equal size
- cell2delim - concatenate a cell array of strings into a delimited char array
- conv2str - converts any (non-structure) input to a single string,
- makevert - make any dimensional matrix or comma separated list into a column vector
- strsplitdf - split a string into a cell array based on a single character delimiter
- uniquenotmiss - find the unique values of a (cell) array (ignore NaN and '')
- DFfilter - filter rows from a data frame
- DFgetgood - perform quality control on a data frame or a file path to a tab-text file
- DFisnum - determine whether all fields in a data frame have type logical or numeric
- DFpivot - pivot a data frame based on values of a field
- DFrenamecol - rename fields from a data frame
- DFrmcol - remove listed fields from a data frame
- DFvalues - structure with fields of unique values from input data frame
- DFview - display char matrix representing contents of data frame
- rowcol2well - convert arrays of rows and columns to array of wells
- well2rowcol - convert cell array of wells to cell array of Rows and vector of Cols
- getfirst - return first element of an array or null
- getlast - return last element of an array or null
- isint - true for arrays containing only integer values, regardless of type
- notindex - return list of indices not contained in a list of indices
- num2colidx - return column vector of numbers between one and a given number
- well2id - convert cell array of wells to numerical id's in column-major order
- DFtostruct - convert between a data frame and an array of structures