中文| English
🔍 Search for your local images with natural language, running completely offline. For example, "a laptop on the desk", "sunset by the sea", "kitty in the grass", and so on.
Search images by picking a photo from your gallery
- Totally free, NO in-app purchases
- Support both English and Chinese
- Indexing and searching of images works completely offline without worrying about privacy
- Show results in less than 1 second when searching for 8,000+ photos
- Wait for indexing on the first time you launch, and search immediately afterward
- Google Play - Search for “PicQuery”
- Download APK from Release
- If you have trouble accessing the above resources, please see here
🍎 For iOS users, please refer to Queryable (Code), the inspiration behind this application, developed by @mazzzystar.
Thanks to @mazzzystar and @Young-Flash for their assistance during the development. The discussion can be viewed here.
PicQuery is powered by OpenAI's CLIP model. and Apple's mobile clip
First, the images to be searched are encoded into vectors using an image encoder and stored in a database. The text provided by the user during the search is also encoded into a vector. The encoded text vector is then compared with the indexed image vectors to calculate the similarity. The top K images with the highest similarity scores are selected as the query results.
To build this project, you need to obtain a quantized CLIP model.
Run the scripts in this jupyter notebook step by step. When you run into the "You are done" section, you should get the following model files in ./result
If you don't want to run the scripts, you may directly download them from Google Drive.
To build this project, you need to obtain a quantized CLIP model.
download them from Google Drive.
Put them into app\src\main\assets
and you're ready to go.
val AppModules = listOf(viewModelModules, dataModules, modulesCLIP, domainModules) pick the module you want,Clip pair to modulesCLIP module, mobile-clip pair to modulesMobileCLIP module
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTarget Exception
Don't forget to add model files to
java.io.FileNotFoundException: clip-image-int8.ort
Make sure the model files are in the correct directory, if you are using mobile-clip, make sure you are using the correct model files, and change the module to modulesMobileCLIP
This project is open-source under an MIT license. All rights reserved.